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On-premise users: click in-app to access the full platform documentation for your version of DataRobot.

Use no-code applications

On the Applications tab, click Open next to the application you want to launch—from here you can test different application configurations before sharing it with users.


End-users must sign in with a DataRobot account or access the application via a link that can be shared with users outside of DataRobot.

These sections describe the actions available when using No-Code AI Apps:

Topic Description
Make predictions Make single record or batch predictions.
Analyze prediction results Analyze prediction information and insights for individual predictions.

UI overview

  Element Description
1 Application name Displays the application name. Click to return to the app's Home page.
2 Pages Navigates between application pages.
3 Build Allows you to edit the application.
4 Share Shares the application with users, groups, or organizations within DataRobot.
5 Add new row Opens the Create Prediction page, where you can make single record predictions.
6 Add Data Uploads batch predictions—from the AI Catalog or a local file.
7 All rows Displays a history of predictions. Select a row to view prediction results for that entry.

Updated June 24, 2024