This page explains how to apply a DataRobot license using either the application interface or the DataRobot API. Note that this workflow is exclusive to administrators, and requires you to be logged into DataRobot with admin permissions.
Alternatively, administrators can validate a DataRobot license using DataRobot's REST API. To do so, provide your information in the snippet below and execute a REST API call.
# Set the URI of the DataRobot App node# Ex. Ex.""# If you have a username and password, start here# Set the initial
# Set the local administrator user passwordadmin_password=""# Read the licenseldata=$(cat./license.txt)# Apply the license with the following commands# Log in to the App Node
curl--silent-XPOST\--cookie"/tmp/cookies.txt"\--cookie-jar"/tmp/cookies.txt"\-H"Content-Type: application/json"\-d'{"username":"'"${admin_username}"'","password":"'"${admin_password}"'"}'\${dr_app_node}/account/login
# Get an API keyapi_key=$(curl--silent-XPOST\--cookie"/tmp/cookies.txt"\--cookie-jar"/tmp/cookies.txt"\-H"Content-Type: application/json"\-d'{"name":"apiKey"}'\${dr_app_node}/api/v2/account/apiKeys/|cut-d','-f5|cut-d'"'-f4)# Apply the license
curl--silent-w"%{http_code}\n"-XPUT\-H"Content-Type: application/json"\-H"HTTP/1.1"\-H"Authorization: Token ${api_key}}"\-d'{"licenseKey":"'"${ldata}"'"}'\${dr_app_node}/api/v2/clusterLicense/
# Expected output: 200