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Use generative AI

Availability information

DataRobot's Generative AI capabilities are a premium feature; contact your DataRobot representative for enablement information. Try this functionality for yourself in a limited capacity in the DataRobot trial experience.

Working with Generative AI (GenAI) in DataRobot can include creating vector databases, creating and comparing LLM blueprints in the playground, preparing LLM blueprints for deployment, working with metrics, and bringing your own LLM.

See the list of considerations to keep in mind when working with DataRobot GenAI and the troubleshooting tips.

Topic Description
GenAI in DataRobot overview An overview of the DataRobot GenAI workflow.
RFPbot use case Leverages DataRobot's technology-agnostic framework to build a Request for Proposal Assistant.
Forecasting insights Convey forecasting predictions and methodologies for non-technical stakeholders, elevating visibility of this data and the underlying data science work across the organization.
Invoice anomalies Augment the invoice validation process to generate concise summaries of all detected anomalies and improve invoice approvals.
Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Combine existing predictive AI workflows around suspicious activity monitoring with a GenAI component to streamline the reporting process.
Legal and compliance ansewrs Learn how GenAI can address pain points for legal and compliance professionals in the exact context that these professionals require.

Updated July 1, 2024