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Playground tools

Availability information

DataRobot's Generative AI capabilities are a premium feature; contact your DataRobot representative for enablement information. Try this functionality for yourself in a limited capacity in the DataRobot trial experience.

Create and compare LLM blueprints, configure metrics, and compare LLM blueprint responses before deployment. See the list of considerations to keep in mind when working with DataRobot GenAI.

Topic Description
Playground overview Navigating the GenAI playground.
Create LLM blueprints Creating LLM blueprints and fine-tuning results.
Chatting with LLM blueprints Using single and comparison chats.
Compare LLM blueprints Comparing LLM blueprint chat results.
Add evaluation metrics to an LLM blueprint Configuring evaluation and moderation guardrails for LLM blueprints.
Prompting reference Creating effective prompting strategies.

Updated June 24, 2024