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REST API changelog

Reference the changes introduced to new versions of DataRobot's REST API.

DataRobot REST API v2.34

New features

  • Added an endpoint to create a hosted custom metric from a custom job: POST /api/v2/deployments/(deploymentId)/customMetrics/fromCustomJob/.
  • Added an endpoint to list hosted custom metrics: GET /api/v2/customJobs/(customJobId)/customMetrics/.
  • Added an endpoint to update the hosted custom metric PATCH /api/v2/deployments/(deploymentId)/customMetrics/(customMetricId)/.
  • Added an endpoint to delete the hosted custom metric DELETE /api/v2/deployments/(deploymentId)/customMetrics/(customMetricId)/.
  • Added an endpoint to create custom job from hosted custom metrics gallery template POST /api/v2/customJobs/fromHostedCustomMetricGalleryTemplate/.
  • Added an endpoint to create a blueprint for the hosted custom metric POST /api/v2/customJobs/(customJobId)/hostedCustomMetricTemplate/.
  • Added an endpoint to retrieve a blueprint for the hosted custom metric GET /api/v2/customJobs/(customJobId)/hostedCustomMetricTemplate/.
  • Added an endpoint to update a blueprint for the hosted custom metric GET /api/v2/customJobs/(customJobId)/hostedCustomMetricTemplate/.


  • Requests for insights at the /api/v2/insights/* group of endpoints now accept the entityType parameter, which enables insight computation for customModel entities as well as native datarobotModel entities. To compute insights on a custom model, you must first initialize insights with a call to POST /api/v2/modelComplianceDocsInitializations/(entityId)/.

  • The response from the Get SHAP impact API endpoint GET /api/v2/insights/shapImpact/models/(entityId)/ has been changed. Now the shapImpacts parameter is a list of key-pair values. The capping parameter has been removed from the response.

Deprecation summary

  • The API endpoint GET /api/v2/projects/(projectId)/models/ is deprecated. Instead, use GET /api/v2/projects/(projectId)/modelRecords/.
  • The API endpoint /projects/(projectId)/featureAssocationFeaturelists/ is removed, after being deprecated in release 2.19. Users should continue to use GET /api/v2/projects/(projectId)/featureAssociationFeaturelists/.
  • The field modelsCount in GET /api/v2/useCases/ and GET /api/v2/useCases/(useCaseId)/ is deprecated and will be removed in June 2025.

Updated July 10, 2024