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Chat Prompts (GenAI)

This page outlines the operations, endpoints, parameters, and example requests and responses for the Chat Prompts (GenAI).

GET /api/v2/genai/chatPrompts/

List chat prompts.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
playgroundId query string false Only retrieve the chat prompts associated with this playground ID.
llmBlueprintId query string false Only retrieve the chat prompts associated with this LLM blueprint ID. If specified, will retrieve the chat prompts for the oldest chat in this LLM blueprint.
chatId query string false Only retrieve the chat prompts associated with this chat ID.
offset query integer false Skip the specified number of values.
limit query integer false Retrieve only the specified number of values.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "chatContextId": "string",
      "chatId": "string",
      "chatPromptIdsIncludedInHistory": [
      "citations": [
          "chunkId": 0,
          "metadata": {},
          "page": 0,
          "similarityScore": 0,
          "source": "string",
          "startIndex": 0,
          "text": "string"
      "confidenceScores": {
        "bleu": 0,
        "meteor": 0,
        "rouge": 0
      "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "creationUserId": "string",
      "executionStatus": "NEW",
      "id": "string",
      "llmBlueprintId": "string",
      "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
      "llmSettings": {
        "maxCompletionLength": 0,
        "systemPrompt": "string",
        "temperature": 0,
        "topP": 0
      "metadataFilter": {},
      "resultMetadata": {
        "blockedResultText": "string",
        "cost": 0,
        "errorMessage": "string",
        "estimatedDocsTokenCount": 0,
        "feedbackResult": {
          "negativeUserIds": [],
          "positiveUserIds": []
        "finalPrompt": "string",
        "inputTokenCount": 0,
        "latencyMilliseconds": 0,
        "metrics": [],
        "outputTokenCount": 0,
        "providerLLMGuards": [
            "name": "string",
            "satisfyCriteria": true,
            "stage": "prompt",
            "value": "string"
        "totalTokenCount": 0
      "resultText": "string",
      "text": "string",
      "userName": "string",
      "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
      "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
        "addNeighborChunks": false,
        "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
        "maxTokens": 1
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful Response ListChatPromptsResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error HTTPValidationErrorResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


POST /api/v2/genai/chatPrompts/

Request the execution of a new prompt within a chat or an LLM blueprint.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
  -d '{CreateChatPromptRequest}'

Body parameter

  "chatId": "string",
  "llmBlueprintId": "string",
  "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "llmSettings": {
    "maxCompletionLength": 0,
    "systemPrompt": "string",
    "temperature": 0,
    "topP": 0
  "metadataFilter": {},
  "text": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
    "addNeighborChunks": false,
    "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
    "maxTokens": 1


Name In Type Required Description
body body CreateChatPromptRequest true none

Example responses

202 Response

  "chatContextId": "string",
  "chatId": "string",
  "chatPromptIdsIncludedInHistory": [
  "citations": [
      "chunkId": 0,
      "metadata": {},
      "page": 0,
      "similarityScore": 0,
      "source": "string",
      "startIndex": 0,
      "text": "string"
  "confidenceScores": {
    "bleu": 0,
    "meteor": 0,
    "rouge": 0
  "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "creationUserId": "string",
  "executionStatus": "NEW",
  "id": "string",
  "llmBlueprintId": "string",
  "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "llmSettings": {
    "maxCompletionLength": 0,
    "systemPrompt": "string",
    "temperature": 0,
    "topP": 0
  "metadataFilter": {},
  "resultMetadata": {
    "blockedResultText": "string",
    "cost": 0,
    "errorMessage": "string",
    "estimatedDocsTokenCount": 0,
    "feedbackResult": {
      "negativeUserIds": [],
      "positiveUserIds": []
    "finalPrompt": "string",
    "inputTokenCount": 0,
    "latencyMilliseconds": 0,
    "metrics": [],
    "outputTokenCount": 0,
    "providerLLMGuards": [
        "name": "string",
        "satisfyCriteria": true,
        "stage": "prompt",
        "value": "string"
    "totalTokenCount": 0
  "resultText": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "userName": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
    "addNeighborChunks": false,
    "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
    "maxTokens": 1


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successful Response ChatPromptResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error HTTPValidationErrorResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


DELETE /api/v2/genai/chatPrompts/{chatPromptId}/

Delete an existing chat prompt.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{chatPromptId}/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
chatPromptId path string true The ID of the chat prompt to delete.

Example responses

422 Response

  "detail": [
      "loc": [
      "msg": "string",
      "type": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Successful Response None
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error HTTPValidationErrorResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/genai/chatPrompts/{chatPromptId}/

Retrieve an existing chat prompt.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{chatPromptId}/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
chatPromptId path string true The ID of the chat prompt to retrieve.

Example responses

200 Response

  "chatContextId": "string",
  "chatId": "string",
  "chatPromptIdsIncludedInHistory": [
  "citations": [
      "chunkId": 0,
      "metadata": {},
      "page": 0,
      "similarityScore": 0,
      "source": "string",
      "startIndex": 0,
      "text": "string"
  "confidenceScores": {
    "bleu": 0,
    "meteor": 0,
    "rouge": 0
  "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "creationUserId": "string",
  "executionStatus": "NEW",
  "id": "string",
  "llmBlueprintId": "string",
  "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "llmSettings": {
    "maxCompletionLength": 0,
    "systemPrompt": "string",
    "temperature": 0,
    "topP": 0
  "metadataFilter": {},
  "resultMetadata": {
    "blockedResultText": "string",
    "cost": 0,
    "errorMessage": "string",
    "estimatedDocsTokenCount": 0,
    "feedbackResult": {
      "negativeUserIds": [],
      "positiveUserIds": []
    "finalPrompt": "string",
    "inputTokenCount": 0,
    "latencyMilliseconds": 0,
    "metrics": [],
    "outputTokenCount": 0,
    "providerLLMGuards": [
        "name": "string",
        "satisfyCriteria": true,
        "stage": "prompt",
        "value": "string"
    "totalTokenCount": 0
  "resultText": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "userName": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
    "addNeighborChunks": false,
    "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
    "maxTokens": 1


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful Response ChatPromptResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity Validation Error HTTPValidationErrorResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:




  "chatContextId": "string",
  "chatId": "string",
  "chatPromptIdsIncludedInHistory": [
  "citations": [
      "chunkId": 0,
      "metadata": {},
      "page": 0,
      "similarityScore": 0,
      "source": "string",
      "startIndex": 0,
      "text": "string"
  "confidenceScores": {
    "bleu": 0,
    "meteor": 0,
    "rouge": 0
  "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "creationUserId": "string",
  "executionStatus": "NEW",
  "id": "string",
  "llmBlueprintId": "string",
  "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "llmSettings": {
    "maxCompletionLength": 0,
    "systemPrompt": "string",
    "temperature": 0,
    "topP": 0
  "metadataFilter": {},
  "resultMetadata": {
    "blockedResultText": "string",
    "cost": 0,
    "errorMessage": "string",
    "estimatedDocsTokenCount": 0,
    "feedbackResult": {
      "negativeUserIds": [],
      "positiveUserIds": []
    "finalPrompt": "string",
    "inputTokenCount": 0,
    "latencyMilliseconds": 0,
    "metrics": [],
    "outputTokenCount": 0,
    "providerLLMGuards": [
        "name": "string",
        "satisfyCriteria": true,
        "stage": "prompt",
        "value": "string"
    "totalTokenCount": 0
  "resultText": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "userName": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
    "addNeighborChunks": false,
    "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
    "maxTokens": 1



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
chatContextId string¦null false The ID of the chat context for this prompt.
chatId string¦null false The ID of the chat this chat prompt belongs to.
chatPromptIdsIncludedInHistory [string]¦null false The list of IDs of the chat prompts included in this prompt's history.
citations [Citation] true The list of relevant vector database citations (in case of using a vector database).
confidenceScores ConfidenceScores¦null true The confidence scores that measure the similarity between the prompt context and the prompt completion.
creationDate string(date-time) true The creation date of the chat prompt (ISO 8601 formatted).
creationUserId string true The ID of the user that created the chat prompt.
executionStatus ExecutionStatus true The execution status of the chat prompt.
id string true The ID of the chat prompt.
llmBlueprintId string true The ID of the LLM blueprint the chat prompt belongs to.
llmId LanguageModelTypeId true The ID of the LLM used by the chat prompt.
llmSettings any false A key/value dictionary of LLM settings.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous CommonLLMSettings false The settings that are available for all non-custom LLMs.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous CustomModelLLMSettings false The settings that are available for custom model LLMs.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
metadataFilter object¦null false The metadata dictionary defining the filters that documents must match in order to be retrieved.
resultMetadata ResultMetadata¦null true The additional information about the chat prompt results.
resultText string¦null true The text of the prompt completion.
text string true The text of the user prompt.
userName string true The name of the user that created the chat prompt.
vectorDatabaseId string¦null false The ID of the vector database linked to this LLM blueprint.
vectorDatabaseSettings VectorDatabaseSettings¦null false A key/value dictionary of vector database settings.


  "chunkId": 0,
  "metadata": {},
  "page": 0,
  "similarityScore": 0,
  "source": "string",
  "startIndex": 0,
  "text": "string"



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
chunkId integer¦null false The ID of the chunk in the vector database index.
metadata object¦null false LangChain Document metadata information holder.
page integer¦null false The source page number where the citation was found.
similarityScore number¦null false The similarity score between the citation and the user prompt.
source string¦null true The source of the citation (e.g., a filename in the original dataset).
startIndex integer¦null false The chunk's start character index in the source document.
text string true The text of the citation.


  "maxCompletionLength": 0,
  "systemPrompt": "string",
  "temperature": 0,
  "topP": 0



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
maxCompletionLength integer¦null false Maximum number of tokens allowed in the completion. The combined count of this value and prompt tokens must be below the model's maximum context size, where prompt token count is comprised of system prompt, user prompt, recent chat history, and vector database citations.
systemPrompt string¦null false maxLength: 500000
System prompt guides the style of the LLM response. It is a "universal" prompt, prepended to all individual prompts.
temperature number¦null false Temperature controls the randomness of model output, where higher values return more diverse output and lower values return more deterministic results.
topP number¦null false Top P sets a threshold that controls the selection of words included in the response, based on a cumulative probability cutoff for token selection. For example, 0.2 considers only the top 20% probability mass. Higher numbers return more diverse options for outputs.


  "bleu": 0,
  "meteor": 0,
  "rouge": 0



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
bleu number true BLEU score.
meteor number true METEOR score.
rouge number true ROUGE score.


  "chatId": "string",
  "llmBlueprintId": "string",
  "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "llmSettings": {
    "maxCompletionLength": 0,
    "systemPrompt": "string",
    "temperature": 0,
    "topP": 0
  "metadataFilter": {},
  "text": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
  "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
    "addNeighborChunks": false,
    "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
    "maxTokens": 1



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
chatId string¦null false The ID of the chat this prompt belongs to. If LLM and vector database settings are not specified in the request, then the prompt will use the current settings of the chat.
llmBlueprintId string¦null false The ID of the LLM blueprint this prompt belongs to. If LLM and vector database settings are not specified in the request, then the prompt will use the current settings of the LLM blueprint.
llmId LanguageModelTypeId¦null false If specified, uses this LLM ID for the prompt and updates the settings of the corresponding chat or LLM blueprint to use this LLM ID.
llmSettings any false If specified, uses these LLM settings for the prompt and updates the settings of the corresponding chat or LLM blueprint to use these LLM settings.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous CommonLLMSettings false The settings that are available for all non-custom LLMs.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous CustomModelLLMSettings false The settings that are available for custom model LLMs.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
metadataFilter object¦null false The metadata fields to add to the chat prompt.
text string true maxLength: 500000
The text of the user prompt.
vectorDatabaseId string¦null false If specified, uses this vector database ID for the prompt and updates the settings of the corresponding chat or LLM blueprint to use this vector database ID.
vectorDatabaseSettings VectorDatabaseSettings¦null false If specified, uses these vector database settings for the prompt and updates the settings of the corresponding chat or LLM blueprint to use these vector database settings.


  "externalLlmContextSize": 128,
  "systemPrompt": "string",
  "validationId": "string"



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
externalLlmContextSize integer¦null false maximum: 128000
minimum: 128
The external LLM's context size, in tokens. This value is only used for pruning documents supplied to the LLM when a vector database is associated with the LLM blueprint. It does not affect the external LLM's actual context size in any way and is not supplied to the LLM.
systemPrompt string¦null false maxLength: 500000
System prompt guides the style of the LLM response. It is a "universal" prompt, prepended to all individual prompts.
validationId string¦null false The validation ID of the custom model LLM.





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ExecutionStatus string false Job and entity execution status.

Enumerated Values

Property Value


  "negativeUserIds": [],
  "positiveUserIds": []



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
negativeUserIds [string] false The list of user IDs whose feedback is negative.
positiveUserIds [string] false The list of user IDs whose feedback is positive.


  "detail": [
      "loc": [
      "msg": "string",
      "type": "string"



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
detail [ValidationError] false none





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
LanguageModelTypeId string false The ID that defines the type of the LLM.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
LanguageModelTypeId [azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo, azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, azure-openai-gpt-4, azure-openai-gpt-4-32k, azure-openai-gpt-4-turbo, azure-openai-gpt-4-o, amazon-titan, anthropic-claude-2, anthropic-claude-3-haiku, anthropic-claude-3-sonnet, anthropic-claude-3-opus, google-bison, google-gemini-1.5-flash, google-gemini-1.5-pro, custom-model]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "chatContextId": "string",
      "chatId": "string",
      "chatPromptIdsIncludedInHistory": [
      "citations": [
          "chunkId": 0,
          "metadata": {},
          "page": 0,
          "similarityScore": 0,
          "source": "string",
          "startIndex": 0,
          "text": "string"
      "confidenceScores": {
        "bleu": 0,
        "meteor": 0,
        "rouge": 0
      "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "creationUserId": "string",
      "executionStatus": "NEW",
      "id": "string",
      "llmBlueprintId": "string",
      "llmId": "azure-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
      "llmSettings": {
        "maxCompletionLength": 0,
        "systemPrompt": "string",
        "temperature": 0,
        "topP": 0
      "metadataFilter": {},
      "resultMetadata": {
        "blockedResultText": "string",
        "cost": 0,
        "errorMessage": "string",
        "estimatedDocsTokenCount": 0,
        "feedbackResult": {
          "negativeUserIds": [],
          "positiveUserIds": []
        "finalPrompt": "string",
        "inputTokenCount": 0,
        "latencyMilliseconds": 0,
        "metrics": [],
        "outputTokenCount": 0,
        "providerLLMGuards": [
            "name": "string",
            "satisfyCriteria": true,
            "stage": "prompt",
            "value": "string"
        "totalTokenCount": 0
      "resultText": "string",
      "text": "string",
      "userName": "string",
      "vectorDatabaseId": "string",
      "vectorDatabaseSettings": {
        "addNeighborChunks": false,
        "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
        "maxTokens": 1
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "totalCount": 0



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true The number of records on this page.
data [ChatPromptResponse] true The list of records.
next string¦null true The URL to the next page, or null if there is no such page.
previous string¦null true The URL to the previous page, or null if there is no such page.
totalCount integer true The total number of records.


  "costConfigurationId": "string",
  "customModelId": "string",
  "errorMessage": "string",
  "evaluationDatasetConfigurationId": "string",
  "executionStatus": "NEW",
  "formattedName": "string",
  "formattedValue": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "nemoMetricId": "string",
  "ootbMetricId": "string",
  "sidecarModelMetricValidationId": "string",
  "stage": "prompt_pipeline",
  "value": null



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
costConfigurationId string¦null false The ID of the cost configuration.
customModelId string¦null false The ID of the custom model used for the metric.
errorMessage string¦null false The error message associated with the metric computation.
evaluationDatasetConfigurationId string¦null false The ID of the evaluation dataset configuration.
executionStatus ExecutionStatus¦null false The creation status of the vector database.
formattedName string¦null false The formatted name of the metric.
formattedValue string¦null false The formatted value of the metric.
name string true The name of the metric.
nemoMetricId string¦null false The id of the NeMo Pipeline configuration.
ootbMetricId string¦null false The id of the OOTB metric configuration.
sidecarModelMetricValidationId string¦null false The validation ID of the sidecar model validation(in case of using a sidecar model deployment for the metric).
stage PipelineStage¦null false The stage (prompt or response) that the metric applies to.
value any true The value of the metric.





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
PipelineStage string false Enum that describes at which stage the metric may be calculated.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
PipelineStage [prompt_pipeline, response_pipeline]





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ProviderGuardStage string false The data stage where the provider guard metric is acting upon.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
ProviderGuardStage [prompt, response]


  "name": "string",
  "satisfyCriteria": true,
  "stage": "prompt",
  "value": "string"



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
name string true The name of the provider guard metric.
satisfyCriteria boolean true Whether the configured provider guard metric satisfied its hidden internal guard criteria.
stage ProviderGuardStage true The data stage where the provider guard metric is acting upon.
value any true The value of the provider guard metric.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous number false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous integer false none


  "blockedResultText": "string",
  "cost": 0,
  "errorMessage": "string",
  "estimatedDocsTokenCount": 0,
  "feedbackResult": {
    "negativeUserIds": [],
    "positiveUserIds": []
  "finalPrompt": "string",
  "inputTokenCount": 0,
  "latencyMilliseconds": 0,
  "metrics": [],
  "outputTokenCount": 0,
  "providerLLMGuards": [
      "name": "string",
      "satisfyCriteria": true,
      "stage": "prompt",
      "value": "string"
  "totalTokenCount": 0



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
blockedResultText string¦null false The message to replace the result text if it is non empty, which represents a blocked response.
cost number¦null false The estimated cost of executing the prompt.
errorMessage string¦null false The error message for the prompt (in case of an errored prompt).
estimatedDocsTokenCount integer false The estimated number of tokens in the documents retrieved from the vector database.
feedbackResult FeedbackResult false The user feedback associated with the prompt.
finalPrompt any false The final representation of the prompt that was submitted to the LLM.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous [object] false none
»» additionalProperties any false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
»»» anonymous string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
»»» anonymous [object] false none
»»»» additionalProperties any false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
»»»»» anonymous string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
»»»»» anonymous object false none
»»»»»» additionalProperties string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous object false none
»» additionalProperties any false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
»»» anonymous string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
»»» anonymous [object] false none
»»»» additionalProperties string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
inputTokenCount integer false The number of tokens in the LLM input. This number includes the tokens in the system prompt, the user prompt, the chat history (for history-aware chats) and the documents retrieved from the vector database (in case of using a vector database).
latencyMilliseconds integer true The latency of the LLM response (in milliseconds).
metrics [MetricMetadata] false The evaluation metrics for the prompt.
outputTokenCount integer false The number of tokens in the LLM output.
providerLLMGuards [ProviderGuardsMetadata]¦null false The provider llm guards metadata.
totalTokenCount integer false The combined number of tokens in the LLM input and output.


  "loc": [
  "msg": "string",
  "type": "string"



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
loc [anyOf] true none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous string false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous integer false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
msg string true none
type string true none


  "addNeighborChunks": false,
  "maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt": 1,
  "maxTokens": 1



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
addNeighborChunks boolean false Add neighboring chunks to those that the similarity search retrieves, such that when selected, search returns i, i-1, and i+1.
maxDocumentsRetrievedPerPrompt integer¦null false maximum: 10
minimum: 1
The maximum number of chunks to retrieve from the vector database.
maxTokens integer¦null false maximum: 51200
minimum: 1
The maximum number of tokens to retrieve from the vector database.

Updated January 15, 2025