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Use Cases

This page outlines the operations, endpoints, parameters, and example requests and responses for the Use Cases.

GET /api/v2/useCases/

Retrieve a list of Use Cases.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.
search query string false Returns only Use Cases with names that match the given string.
projectId query string false Only return experiment containers associated with the given project id.
applicationId query string false Only return experiment containers associated with the given app.
entityId query string false The id of the entity type that is linked with the Use Case.
entityType query string false The entity type that is linked to the Use Case.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order in which Use Cases and return Use Cases.
orderBy query string true The order in which Use Cases and return Use Cases.
usecaseType query string true A filter to return Use Cases by type.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
entityType [project, dataset, notebook, application, recipe, playground, vectorDatabase, customModelVersion, registeredModelVersion, deployment, customApplication, customJob]
sort [-applicationsCount, -createdAt, -createdBy, -datasetsCount, -description, -id, -name, -notebooksCount, -playgroundsCount, -projectsCount, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, -vectorDatabasesCount, applicationsCount, createdAt, createdBy, datasetsCount, description, id, name, notebooksCount, playgroundsCount, projectsCount, updatedAt, updatedBy, vectorDatabasesCount]
orderBy [-applicationsCount, -createdAt, -createdBy, -datasetsCount, -description, -id, -name, -notebooksCount, -playgroundsCount, -projectsCount, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, -vectorDatabasesCount, applicationsCount, createdAt, createdBy, datasetsCount, description, id, name, notebooksCount, playgroundsCount, projectsCount, updatedAt, updatedBy, vectorDatabasesCount]
usecaseType [all, general, walkthrough]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "advancedTour": "string",
      "applicationsCount": 0,
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "customApplicationsCount": 0,
      "customJobsCount": 0,
      "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
      "datasetsCount": 0,
      "deploymentsCount": 0,
      "description": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "members": [
          "email": "string",
          "fullName": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "isOrganization": true,
          "userhash": "string",
          "username": "string"
      "modelsCount": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "notebooksCount": 0,
      "owners": [
          "email": "string",
          "fullName": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "isOrganization": true,
          "userhash": "string",
          "username": "string"
      "projectsCount": 0,
      "recipesCount": 0,
      "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
      "role": "OWNER",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Use Cases retrieved successfully. UseCaseListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


POST /api/v2/useCases/

Look up a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "advancedTour": "flightDelays",
  "description": null,
  "name": null


Name In Type Required Description
body body UseCaseCreate false none

Example responses

200 Response

  "advancedTour": "string",
  "applicationsCount": 0,
  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "customApplicationsCount": 0,
  "customJobsCount": 0,
  "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "datasetsCount": 0,
  "deploymentsCount": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "members": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "modelsCount": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "notebooksCount": 0,
  "owners": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "projectsCount": 0,
  "recipesCount": 0,
  "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "role": "OWNER",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The experiment container. UseCaseResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/allResources/

Get a list of the all used assets associated with a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order to sort the Use Case references.
orderBy query string true The order to sort the Use Case references.
daysSinceLastActivity query integer false Only retrieve resources that had activity within the specified number of days.
recipeStatus query any false Recipe status used for filtering recipes.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
sort [-entityType, -lastActivity, -name, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, entityType, lastActivity, name, updatedAt, updatedBy]
orderBy [-entityType, -lastActivity, -name, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, entityType, lastActivity, name, updatedAt, updatedBy]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "metadata": {
        "isDraft": true,
        "isErrored": true,
        "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
        "stage": "string",
        "statusErrorMessage": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseRecentAssetsListResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/notebooks/

Get a list of the notebooks from all Use Cases

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.
includeName query boolean false Include use case name

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "notebook",
      "experimentContainerId": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCasesNotebooksListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


DELETE /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/

Delete a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{useCaseId}/ \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.


Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content none None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/

Retrieve a single Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "advancedTour": "string",
  "applicationsCount": 0,
  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "customApplicationsCount": 0,
  "customJobsCount": 0,
  "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "datasetsCount": 0,
  "deploymentsCount": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "members": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "modelsCount": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "notebooksCount": 0,
  "owners": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "projectsCount": 0,
  "recipesCount": 0,
  "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "role": "OWNER",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.
body body UseCaseResponse false none

Example responses

200 Response

  "advancedTour": "string",
  "applicationsCount": 0,
  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "customApplicationsCount": 0,
  "customJobsCount": 0,
  "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "datasetsCount": 0,
  "deploymentsCount": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "members": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "modelsCount": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "notebooksCount": 0,
  "owners": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "projectsCount": 0,
  "recipesCount": 0,
  "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "role": "OWNER",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


PATCH /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/

Update a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{useCaseId}/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "description": "string",
  "name": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.
body body UseCaseUpdate false none

Example responses

204 Response

  "advancedTour": "string",
  "applicationsCount": 0,
  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "customApplicationsCount": 0,
  "customJobsCount": 0,
  "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "datasetsCount": 0,
  "deploymentsCount": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "members": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "modelsCount": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "notebooksCount": 0,
  "owners": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "projectsCount": 0,
  "recipesCount": 0,
  "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "role": "OWNER",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The Use Case has been successfully updated. UseCaseResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None
404 Not Found Use Case not found. None
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/applications/

Get a list of the applications associated with a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/applications/?sort=-applicationTemplateType&orderBy=-applicationTemplateType \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
search query string false Only return applications with names that match the given string.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order to sort applications.
orderBy query string true The order to sort applications.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
sort [-applicationTemplateType, -createdAt, -lastActivity, -name, -source, -updatedAt, -userId, applicationTemplateType, createdAt, lastActivity, name, source, updatedAt, userId]
orderBy [-applicationTemplateType, -createdAt, -lastActivity, -name, -source, -updatedAt, -userId, applicationTemplateType, createdAt, lastActivity, name, source, updatedAt, userId]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "applicationId": "string",
      "applicationTemplateType": "string",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "description": "string",
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "projectId": "string",
      "source": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCasesApplicationsListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/customApplications/

Get a list of the custom applications referenced by a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/customApplications/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "applicationUrl": "string",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseCustomApplicationsResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/data/

Get a list of the data (datasets and recipes) associated with a use case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/data/?orderBy=name \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
orderBy query string true Sorting order which will be applied to data list.
search query string false Only return datasets or recipes from use case with names that match the given string.
dataType query any false Data types used for filtering.
dataSourceType query any false The driver class type of the recipe wrangling engine.
recipeStatus query any false Recipe status used for filtering recipes.
creatorUserId query any false Filter results to display only those created by user(s) identified by the specified ID
creatorUsername query any false Filter results to display only those created by user(s) identified by the specified username
useCaseId path string true The ID of the use case.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
orderBy [name, -name, description, -description, createdBy, -createdBy, modifiedAt, -modifiedAt, dataType, -dataType, dataSourceType, -dataSourceType, rowCount, -rowCount, columnCount, -columnCount, datasetSize, -datasetSize]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "columnCount": 0,
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "dataSourceType": "s3",
      "dataType": "static",
      "datasetSize": 0,
      "description": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "recipe",
      "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
      "isWranglingEligible": true,
      "latestRecipeId": "string",
      "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "rowCount": 0
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseDataListResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/datasets/

Get a list of the datasets associated with a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/datasets/?sort=-columnCount&orderBy=-columnCount \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order to sort the Use Case datasets.
orderBy query string true The order to sort the Use Case datasets.
search query string false Only return datasets from Use Case with names that match the given string.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
sort [-columnCount, -createdAt, -createdBy, -dataSourceType, -datasetSize, -datasetSourceType, -lastActivity, -modifiedAt, -modifiedBy, -name, -rowCount, columnCount, createdAt, createdBy, dataSourceType, datasetSize, datasetSourceType, lastActivity, modifiedAt, modifiedBy, name, rowCount]
orderBy [-columnCount, -createdAt, -createdBy, -dataSourceType, -datasetSize, -datasetSourceType, -lastActivity, -modifiedAt, -modifiedBy, -name, -rowCount, columnCount, createdAt, createdBy, dataSourceType, datasetSize, datasetSourceType, lastActivity, modifiedAt, modifiedBy, name, rowCount]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "columnCount": 0,
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "dataPersisted": true,
      "dataSourceType": "string",
      "dataType": "static",
      "datasetId": "string",
      "datasetSize": 0,
      "datasetSourceType": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
      "isSnapshot": true,
      "isWranglingEligible": true,
      "latestRecipeId": "string",
      "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "modifiedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "referenceMetadata": {
        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "createdBy": {
          "email": "string",
          "fullName": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "userhash": "string",
          "username": "string"
        "lastActivity": {
          "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "type": "string"
      "rowCount": 0,
      "versionId": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseDatasetsListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/datasets/{datasetId}/

Retrieves the details of the dataset with given ID for given use case ID.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/datasets/{datasetId}/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The id linking the Use Case with the entity type.
datasetId path string true The ID of the dataset.

Example responses

200 Response

  "categories": [
  "columnCount": 0,
  "createdBy": "string",
  "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "dataEngineQueryId": "string",
  "dataPersisted": true,
  "dataSourceId": "string",
  "dataSourceType": "string",
  "datasetId": "string",
  "datasetSize": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "eda1ModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "eda1ModifierFullName": "string",
  "entityCountByType": {
    "numCalendars": 0,
    "numExternalModelPackages": 0,
    "numFeatureDiscoveryConfigs": 0,
    "numPredictionDatasets": 0,
    "numProjects": 0,
    "numSparkSqlQueries": 0
  "error": "string",
  "featureCount": 0,
  "featureCountByType": [
      "count": 0,
      "featureType": "string"
  "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
  "isDataEngineEligible": true,
  "isLatestVersion": true,
  "isSnapshot": true,
  "isWranglingEligible": true,
  "lastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "lastModifierFullName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "recipeId": "string",
  "rowCount": 0,
  "sampleSize": {
    "type": "rows",
    "value": 0
  "tags": [
  "timeSeriesProperties": {
    "isMostlyImputed": null
  "uri": "string",
  "versionId": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The dataset details. FullDatasetDetailsResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/deployments/

Retrieves the list of deployments associated with the use case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/deployments/?orderBy=-createdAt \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
orderBy query string true The order to sort the use case deployments.
search query string false Only return deployments from use case with names that match the given string.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the use case.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
orderBy [-createdAt, -createdBy, -lastActivity, -name, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, createdAt, createdBy, lastActivity, name, updatedAt, updatedBy]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "description": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "label": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "type": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The list of deployments. DeploymentPagination

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/filterMetadata/

Get filtering metadata information from Use Cases associated with a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/filterMetadata/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The ID of the use case.

Example responses

200 Response

  "metrics": {
    "binary": [
    "regression": [
      "FVE Poisson"
  "modelFamilies": [
      "fullName": "string",
      "key": "AB"
  "samplePcts": [


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none ExperimentContainerFilterMetadataRetrieveResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/modelsForComparison/

Get a list of models from projects associated with a Use Case for direct comparison. NOTE: datetime partitioned models are not supported currently.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/modelsForComparison/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
orderBy query string false Sort by creation date of the project associated with the model, default is descending order
binarySortMetric query string false Binary Classification sort metric
binarySortPartition query string false Retrieve Validation, Cross-Validation, or Holdout metric scores for list of models, only sort by descending order (i.e. most accurate to least accurate)
regressionSortMetric query string false Regression sort metric
regressionSortPartition query string false Retrieve Validation, Cross-Validation, or Holdout metric scores for list of models, only sort by descending order (i.e. most accurate to least accurate)
numberTopModels query integer false Filter to limited number of top scoring models, where default value is 1. A value of 0 means no top scoring models will be returned.
samplePct query any false Filter to models trained at the specified sample size percentage(s)
modelFamily query any false Filter to models that match the specified model family/families
includeAllStarredModels query boolean false Whether to include all starred models in filtering output. This means starred models will be included in addition to top-scoring models.
trainingDatasetId query any false Filter to models from projects built using specified training dataset ID(s)
targetFeature query any false Filter to models from projects built using specified target feature(s)
scoringCodeOnly query boolean false Whether to include only models that can be converted to scorable java code
useCaseId path string true The ID of the use case.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
orderBy [-createdAt, createdAt]
binarySortMetric [AUC, Weighted AUC, Area Under PR Curve, Weighted Area Under PR Curve, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov, FVE Binomial, Weighted FVE Binomial, Gini Norm, Weighted Gini Norm, LogLoss, Weighted LogLoss, Max MCC, Weighted Max MCC, Rate@Top5%, Weighted Rate@Top5%, Rate@Top10%, Weighted Rate@Top10%, Rate@TopTenth%, RMSE, Weighted RMSE]
binarySortPartition [validation, holdout, crossValidation]
regressionSortMetric [FVE Poisson, Weighted FVE Poisson, FVE Gamma, Weighted FVE Gamma, FVE Tweedie, Weighted FVE Tweedie, Gamma Deviance, Weighted Gamma Deviance, Gini Norm, Weighted Gini Norm, MAE, Weighted MAE, MAPE, Weighted MAPE, SMAPE, Weighted SMAPE, Poisson Deviance, Weighted Poisson Deviance, RMSLE, RMSE, Weighted RMSLE, Weighted RMSE, R Squared, Weighted R Squared, Tweedie Deviance, Weighted Tweedie Deviance]
regressionSortPartition [validation, holdout, crossValidation]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "autopilotDataSelectionMethod": "duration",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "datasetName": "string",
      "hasCodegen": true,
      "hasHoldout": true,
      "isDatetimePartitioned": true,
      "isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout": true,
      "isStarred": true,
      "isTrainedIntoHoldout": true,
      "isTrainedIntoValidation": true,
      "metric": "\n        {\n            \"metrics\": {\n                \"RMSE\": {\n                    \"holdout\": 5000,\n                    \"validation\": 5100,\n                    \"backtesting\": null,\n                    \"backtestingScores\": null,\n                    \"crossValidation\": 6000,\n                    \"training\": null\n                },\n                \"FVE Poisson\": {\n                    \"holdout\": null,\n                    \"validation\": 0.56269,\n                    \"crossValidation\": 0.50166,\n                    \"backtesting\": null,\n                    \"backtestingScores\": null,\n                    \"training\": null\n                },\n            }\n        }\n",
      "modelFamily": "AB",
      "modelId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "projectId": "string",
      "projectName": "string",
      "samplePct": 0,
      "targetName": "string",
      "targetType": "Binary"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseModelsForComparisonListResponse
400 Bad Request Bad request None
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None
422 Unprocessable Entity Unable to retrieve models for the Use Case. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


POST /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/multilink/

Link multiple entities to a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{useCaseId}/multilink/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "entitiesList": [
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "project",
      "includeDataset": true
  "workflow": "migration"
Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The ID of the use case.
body body UseCaseReferenceMultilink false none


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/notebooks/

Get a list of the notebooks associated with a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/notebooks/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "notebook",
      "experimentContainerId": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCasesNotebooksListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/playgrounds/

Get a list of the playgrounds associated with a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/playgrounds/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "playground",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCasesPlaygroundsListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/projects/

Get a list of the projects associated with a Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/projects/?sort=-createdAt&orderBy=-createdAt \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
search query string false Returns only Use Cases with names that match the given string.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order to sort the Use Case projects.
orderBy query string true The order to sort the Use Case projects.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
sort [-createdAt, -createdBy, -dataset, -featureCount, -fullName, -lastActivity, -models, -name, -projectId, -rowCount, -target, -targetType, -timeAware, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, createdAt, createdBy, dataset, featureCount, fullName, lastActivity, models, name, projectId, rowCount, target, targetType, timeAware, updatedAt, updatedBy]
orderBy [-createdAt, -createdBy, -dataset, -featureCount, -fullName, -lastActivity, -models, -name, -projectId, -rowCount, -target, -targetType, -timeAware, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, createdAt, createdBy, dataset, featureCount, fullName, lastActivity, models, name, projectId, rowCount, target, targetType, timeAware, updatedAt, updatedBy]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "autopilotDataSelectionMethod": "duration",
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "dataset": "string",
      "datasetId": "string",
      "hasHoldout": true,
      "isDatasetLinkedToUseCase": true,
      "isDraft": true,
      "isErrored": true,
      "isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout": true,
      "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "metricDetail": [
          "ascending": true,
          "name": "string"
      "models": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "numberOfBacktests": 0,
      "projectId": "string",
      "projectOptions": {
        "target": "string",
        "targetType": "Binary",
        "weight": "string"
      "stage": "string",
      "statusErrorMessage": "string",
      "target": "string",
      "targetType": "Binary",
      "timeAware": true,
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseProjectsListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/registeredModels/

Get a list of the Registered models referenced by a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/registeredModels/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 10.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "name": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "versions": [
          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "createdBy": {
            "email": "string",
            "fullName": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "userhash": "string",
            "username": "string"
          "id": "string",
          "lastActivity": "created",
          "name": "string",
          "registeredModelVersion": 0,
          "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "updatedBy": {
            "email": "string",
            "fullName": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "userhash": "string",
            "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseRegisteredModelsResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/resources/

Get a list of the references associated with a use case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/resources/?sort=-entityType&orderBy=-entityType \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order to sort the Use Case references.
orderBy query string true The order to sort the Use Case references.
daysSinceLastActivity query integer false Only retrieve resources that had activity within the specified number of days.
recipeStatus query any false Recipe status used for filtering recipes.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
sort [-entityType, -lastActivity, -name, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, entityType, lastActivity, name, updatedAt, updatedBy]
orderBy [-entityType, -lastActivity, -name, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, entityType, lastActivity, name, updatedAt, updatedBy]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "metadata": {
        "isDraft": true,
        "isErrored": true,
        "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
        "stage": "string",
        "statusErrorMessage": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCaseReferenceListResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/sharedRoles/

Get a list of users who have access to this Use Case and their roles on the Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/sharedRoles/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over.
limit query integer false The number of records to return.
id query string false Optional, only return the access control information for a user with this user ID.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "canShare": true,
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "role": "ADMIN",
      "shareRecipientType": "user",
      "userFullName": "string"
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none SharedRolesWithGrantListResponse
404 Not Found Either the Use Case does not exist or the user does not have permissions to view the data store. None
422 Unprocessable Entity Both username and userId were specified None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


PATCH /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/sharedRoles/

Update the list of users who have access to this Use Case and their roles on the Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{useCaseId}/sharedRoles/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "operation": "updateRoles",
  "roles": [
      "role": "OWNER",
      "shareRecipientType": "user",
      "username": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.
body body ExperimentContainerSharedRolesUpdate false none


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/vectorDatabases/

Get a list of the vector databases associated with a Use Case

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{useCaseId}/vectorDatabases/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false Number of results to skip.
limit query integer false At most this many results are returned. The default may change without notice.
useCaseId path string true The ID of the Use Case to update.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "vector_database",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none UseCasesVectorDatabasesListResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


DELETE /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/{referenceCollectionType}/{entityId}/

Remove a related entity from a use case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{useCaseId}/{referenceCollectionType}/{entityId}/?deleteResource=false \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
deleteResource query boolean true If True, delete the linked resource
useCaseId path string true The id linking the Use Case with the entity type.
referenceCollectionType path string true The reference collection type.
entityId path string true The primary id of the entity.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
referenceCollectionType [projects, datasets, notebooks, applications, recipes, customModelVersions, registeredModelVersions, deployments, customApplications, customJobs]


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none None
204 No Content The relationship has been removed successfully None
404 Not Found Use Case reference not found None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


PATCH /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/{referenceCollectionType}/{entityId}/

Move entity from one Use Case to another.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{useCaseId}/{referenceCollectionType}/{entityId}/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "includeDataset": true


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The id linking the Use Case with the entity type.
referenceCollectionType path string true The reference collection type.
entityId path string true The primary id of the entity.
body body UseCasesProjectMigrationParam false none

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
referenceCollectionType [projects, datasets, notebooks, applications, recipes, customModelVersions, registeredModelVersions, deployments, customApplications, customJobs]


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


POST /api/v2/useCases/{useCaseId}/{referenceCollectionType}/{entityId}/

Link entity to a single Use Case.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{useCaseId}/{referenceCollectionType}/{entityId}/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Body parameter

  "workflow": "migration"


Name In Type Required Description
useCaseId path string true The id linking the Use Case with the entity type.
referenceCollectionType path string true The reference collection type.
entityId path string true The primary id of the entity.
body body UseCaseReferenceLink false none

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
referenceCollectionType [projects, datasets, notebooks, applications, recipes, customModelVersions, registeredModelVersions, deployments, customApplications, customJobs]

Example responses

200 Response

  "createdBy": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "lastActivity": {
    "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "type": "string"
  "metadata": {
    "isDraft": true,
    "isErrored": true,
    "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
    "stage": "string",
    "statusErrorMessage": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "useCaseId": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none ExperimentContainerReferenceRetrieve
201 Created The entity has been linked successfully None
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None
409 Conflict The entity has already been linked None
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/useCasesWithShortenedInfo/

Retrieves a list of Use Cases using a new endpoint that abbreviates the display metadata for faster retrieval.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
offset query integer false The number of records to skip over. Default 0.
limit query integer false The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.
search query string false Returns only Use Cases with names that match the given string.
projectId query string false Only return experiment containers associated with the given project id.
applicationId query string false Only return experiment containers associated with the given app.
entityId query string false The id of the entity type that is linked with the Use Case.
entityType query string false The entity type that is linked to the Use Case.
sort query string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with order_by] The order in which Use Cases and return Use Cases.
orderBy query string true The order in which Use Cases and return Use Cases.
usecaseType query string true A filter to return Use Cases by type.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
entityType [project, dataset, notebook, application, recipe, playground, vectorDatabase, customModelVersion, registeredModelVersion, deployment, customApplication, customJob]
sort [-applicationsCount, -createdAt, -createdBy, -datasetsCount, -description, -id, -name, -notebooksCount, -playgroundsCount, -projectsCount, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, -vectorDatabasesCount, applicationsCount, createdAt, createdBy, datasetsCount, description, id, name, notebooksCount, playgroundsCount, projectsCount, updatedAt, updatedBy, vectorDatabasesCount]
orderBy [-applicationsCount, -createdAt, -createdBy, -datasetsCount, -description, -id, -name, -notebooksCount, -playgroundsCount, -projectsCount, -updatedAt, -updatedBy, -vectorDatabasesCount, applicationsCount, createdAt, createdBy, datasetsCount, description, id, name, notebooksCount, playgroundsCount, projectsCount, updatedAt, updatedBy, vectorDatabasesCount]
usecaseType [all, general, walkthrough]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "advancedTour": "string",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Use Cases with abbreviated metadata retrieved successfully. UseCaseListWithShortenedInfoResponse
403 Forbidden User does not have access to this functionality. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:




  "canShare": true,
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "role": "ADMIN",
  "shareRecipientType": "user",
  "userFullName": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
canShare boolean true Whether the recipient can share the role further.
id string true The identifier of the recipient.
name string true The name of the recipient.
role string true The role of the recipient on this entity.
shareRecipientType string true The type of the recipient.
userFullName string false Full name of the recipient user.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
shareRecipientType [user, group, organization]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "description": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "label": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "type": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [FormattedResponseDeployment] true maxItems: 100
List of deployments linked to a Use Case.
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "numCalendars": 0,
  "numExternalModelPackages": 0,
  "numFeatureDiscoveryConfigs": 0,
  "numPredictionDatasets": 0,
  "numProjects": 0,
  "numSparkSqlQueries": 0

Number of different type entities that use the dataset.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
numCalendars integer true The number of calendars that use the dataset
numExternalModelPackages integer true The number of external model packages that use the dataset
numFeatureDiscoveryConfigs integer true The number of feature discovery configs that use the dataset
numPredictionDatasets integer true The number of prediction datasets that use the dataset
numProjects integer true The number of projects that use the dataset
numSparkSqlQueries integer true The number of spark sql queries that use the dataset


  "applicationId": "string",
  "applicationTemplateType": "string",
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "description": "string",
  "lastActivity": {
    "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "type": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "projectId": "string",
  "source": "string",
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
applicationId string true The application id of the application.
applicationTemplateType string¦null true The type of the application.
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at application creation.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
description string¦null true The description of the application.
lastActivity ExperimentContainerLastActivity true Last activity details
name string true The name of the application.
projectId string¦null true The ID of the associated project
source string¦null true The source used to create the application.
updatedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at application modification.


  "binary": [
  "regression": [
    "FVE Poisson"

Model performance evaluation metrics (shorthand abbreviations)


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
binary [string] false Binary metrics associated with the models
regression [string] false Regression metrics associated with the models


  "fullName": "string",
  "key": "AB"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
fullName string true Full name of the model family
key string true Abbreviated form of model family name

Enumerated Values

Property Value


  "metrics": {
    "binary": [
    "regression": [
      "FVE Poisson"
  "modelFamilies": [
      "fullName": "string",
      "key": "AB"
  "samplePcts": [


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
metrics ExperimentContainerFilterMetadataMetricsObjectResponse true Model performance evaluation metrics (shorthand abbreviations)
modelFamilies [ExperimentContainerFilterMetadataModelFamiliesObjectResponse] true maxItems: 32
Model families associated with the models
samplePcts [number] true maxItems: 7
Model training sample sizes (in percentage)


  "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "type": "string"

Last activity details


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
timestamp string(date-time) true Time when this activity occurred.
type string true The type of activity. Can be "Added" or "Modified"


  "autopilotDataSelectionMethod": "duration",
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "datasetName": "string",
  "hasCodegen": true,
  "hasHoldout": true,
  "isDatetimePartitioned": true,
  "isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout": true,
  "isStarred": true,
  "isTrainedIntoHoldout": true,
  "isTrainedIntoValidation": true,
  "metric": "\n        {\n            \"metrics\": {\n                \"RMSE\": {\n                    \"holdout\": 5000,\n                    \"validation\": 5100,\n                    \"backtesting\": null,\n                    \"backtestingScores\": null,\n                    \"crossValidation\": 6000,\n                    \"training\": null\n                },\n                \"FVE Poisson\": {\n                    \"holdout\": null,\n                    \"validation\": 0.56269,\n                    \"crossValidation\": 0.50166,\n                    \"backtesting\": null,\n                    \"backtestingScores\": null,\n                    \"training\": null\n                },\n            }\n        }\n",
  "modelFamily": "AB",
  "modelId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "projectId": "string",
  "projectName": "string",
  "samplePct": 0,
  "targetName": "string",
  "targetType": "Binary"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
autopilotDataSelectionMethod string¦null true The Data Selection method of the datetime-partitioned model. null if model is not datetime-partitioned.
createdAt string(date-time) true Timestamp generated at model's project creation.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
datasetName string true Name of the dataset used to build the project associated with the model
hasCodegen boolean true Whether the model can be converted to scorable java code
hasHoldout boolean true Whether the model has holdout.
isDatetimePartitioned boolean true Indicates whether the model is a datetime-partitioned model.
isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout boolean true Indicates whether validation scores are available. A result of 'N/A' in the UI indicates that a model was trained into validation or holdout and also either does not have stacked predictions or uses extended multiclass.
isStarred boolean true Whether the model has been starred
isTrainedIntoHoldout boolean true Whether the model used holdout data for training.
isTrainedIntoValidation boolean true Whether the model used validation data for training.
metric object true Model performance information by the specified filtered evaluation metric
modelFamily string true Model family associated with the model
modelId string true ID of the model
name string true Name of the model
projectId string true ID of the project associated with the model
projectName string true Name of the project associated with the model
samplePct number¦null true maximum: 100
minimum: 0 (exclusive)
Percentage of the dataset to use with the model
targetName string true Name of modeling target
targetType string true Type of modeling target

Enumerated Values

Property Value
autopilotDataSelectionMethod [duration, rowCount]
targetType [Binary, Regression]


  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "notebook",
  "experimentContainerId": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "isDeleted": true,
  "referenceId": "string",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "useCaseId": "string",
  "useCaseName": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
created ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at notebook creation.
createdBy string¦null false The id of the user who created.
entityId string true The primary id of the entity (same as ID of the notebook).
entityType string true The type of entity provided by the entity id.
experimentContainerId string true [DEPRECATED - replaced with use_case_id] The ID of the Use Case.
id string true The ID of the notebook.
isDeleted boolean true Soft deletion flag for notebooks
referenceId string true Original ID from DB
tenantId string¦null true The id of the tenant the notebook belongs to.
updatedBy string¦null false The id of the user who last updated.
useCaseId string true The ID of the Use Case.
useCaseName string false Use Case name

Enumerated Values

Property Value
entityType notebook


  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "playground",
  "id": "string",
  "isDeleted": true,
  "referenceId": "string",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
created ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at playground creation.
createdBy string¦null false The id of the user who created.
entityId string true The primary id of the entity (same as ID of the playground).
entityType string true The type of entity provided by the entity id.
id string true The ID of the playground.
isDeleted boolean true Soft deletion flag for playgrounds
referenceId string true Original ID from DB
tenantId string¦null true The id of the tenant the playground belongs to.
updatedBy string¦null false The id of the user who last updated.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
entityType playground


  "dataSourceType": "string",
  "datasetSize": 0,
  "datasetSourceType": "string",
  "isSnapshot": true,
  "isWranglingEligible": true,
  "latestRecipeId": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dataSourceType string¦null true The type of the data source used to create the dataset if relevant.
datasetSize integer¦null true Size of the dataset in bytes
datasetSourceType string¦null true The source type of the dataset
isSnapshot boolean true Whether the dataset is an immutable snapshot of data which has previously been retrieved and saved to DataRobot.
isWranglingEligible boolean true Whether the source of the dataset can support wrangling.
latestRecipeId string¦null true The latest recipe id linked to the dataset.


  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "lastActivity": {
    "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "type": "string"

Metadata about the reference of the dataset in the Use Case.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at record creation.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse false User who created the Use Case
lastActivity ExperimentContainerLastActivity true Last activity details


  "description": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
description string true Description of the playground


  "isDraft": true,
  "isErrored": true,
  "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
  "stage": "string",
  "statusErrorMessage": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
isDraft boolean true Indicates whether the experiment configuration has been used for modeling and is therefore locked (False) or whether the setup has not been applied , and as a draft, can still be modified and used in training (True).
isErrored boolean true Indicates whether the experiment failed.
isWorkbenchEligible boolean true Indicates whether the experiment is Workbench-compatible.
stage string true Stage of the experiment.
statusErrorMessage string true Experiment failure explanation.


  "dataType": "static"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dataType string¦null true The type of the recipe (wrangling or feature discovery)

Enumerated Values

Property Value
dataType [static, Static, STATIC, snapshot, Snapshot, SNAPSHOT, dynamic, Dynamic, DYNAMIC, wranglingRecipe, WranglingRecipe, WRANGLING_RECIPE, featureDiscoveryRecipe, FeatureDiscoveryRecipe, FEATURE_DISCOVERY_RECIPE]


  "createdBy": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "lastActivity": {
    "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "type": "string"
  "metadata": {
    "isDraft": true,
    "isErrored": true,
    "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
    "stage": "string",
    "statusErrorMessage": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "useCaseId": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
createdBy string¦null false The id of the user who created.
entityId string true The primary id of the entity.
entityType string true The type of entity provided by the entity id.
id string true The ID of the experiment container reference.
lastActivity ExperimentContainerLastActivity true Last activity details
metadata any false Reference metadata for the experiment container


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerReferenceProjectMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerReferenceDatasetMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerReferenceRecipeMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerReferencePlaygroundMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
name string true The name of the experiment container reference.
processingState string false Current ingestion process state of dataset.
updated ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
updatedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at record creation.
updatedBy string¦null false The id of the user who last updated.
useCaseId string true The ID linking the Use Case with the entity type.

Enumerated Values

Property Value


  "operation": "updateRoles",
  "roles": [
      "role": "OWNER",
      "shareRecipientType": "user",
      "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
operation string true The name of the action being taken. Only 'updateRoles' is supported.
roles [oneOf] true minItems: 1
A list of sharing role objects


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerSharingRoleUpdateDataWithUsername false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerSharingRoleUpdateDataWithName false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous ExperimentContainerSharingRoleUpdateDataWithId false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
operation updateRoles


  "id": "string",
  "role": "OWNER",
  "shareRecipientType": "user"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string true The ID of the recipient
role string true The assigned role
shareRecipientType string true The recipient type

Enumerated Values

Property Value
shareRecipientType [user, organization]


  "name": "string",
  "role": "OWNER",
  "shareRecipientType": "user"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
name string true The name of the user to update the access role for. If included with a username, the username is used.
role string true The assigned role
shareRecipientType string true The recipient type

Enumerated Values

Property Value
shareRecipientType [user, organization]


  "role": "OWNER",
  "shareRecipientType": "user",
  "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
role string true The assigned role
shareRecipientType string true The recipient type
username string true The username of the user to update the access role for. If included with a name, the username is used.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
shareRecipientType [user, organization]


  "email": "string",
  "fullName": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "userhash": "string",
  "username": "string"

User who created the Use Case


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
email string¦null true The email address of the user.
fullName string¦null false The full name of the user.
id string true The id of the user.
userhash string¦null false User's gravatar hash.
username string¦null false The username of the user.


  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "vector_database",
  "id": "string",
  "isDeleted": true,
  "referenceId": "string",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
created ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at vector database creation.
createdBy string¦null false The id of the user who created.
entityId string true The primary id of the entity (same as ID of the vector database).
entityType string true The type of entity provided by the entity id.
id string true The ID of the vector database.
isDeleted boolean true Soft deletion flag for vector databases
referenceId string true Original ID from DB
tenantId string¦null true The id of the tenant the vector database belongs to.
updatedBy string¦null false The id of the user who last updated.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
entityType vector_database


  "count": 0,
  "featureType": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true The number of features of this type in the dataset
featureType string true The data type grouped in this count


  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "label": "string",
  "lastActivity": "created",
  "type": "string",
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
createdAt string(date-time) true Created date time.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
description string true Deployment description.
id string true Unique identifier of the deployment.
label string true Deployment label.
lastActivity string true The type of the last activity. Can be "Added" or "Modified".
type string true Deployment type.
updatedAt string(date-time) true Last modified date time.
updatedBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case

Enumerated Values

Property Value
lastActivity [created, Created, CREATED, modified, Modified, MODIFIED]


  "categories": [
  "columnCount": 0,
  "createdBy": "string",
  "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "dataEngineQueryId": "string",
  "dataPersisted": true,
  "dataSourceId": "string",
  "dataSourceType": "string",
  "datasetId": "string",
  "datasetSize": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "eda1ModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "eda1ModifierFullName": "string",
  "entityCountByType": {
    "numCalendars": 0,
    "numExternalModelPackages": 0,
    "numFeatureDiscoveryConfigs": 0,
    "numPredictionDatasets": 0,
    "numProjects": 0,
    "numSparkSqlQueries": 0
  "error": "string",
  "featureCount": 0,
  "featureCountByType": [
      "count": 0,
      "featureType": "string"
  "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
  "isDataEngineEligible": true,
  "isLatestVersion": true,
  "isSnapshot": true,
  "isWranglingEligible": true,
  "lastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "lastModifierFullName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "recipeId": "string",
  "rowCount": 0,
  "sampleSize": {
    "type": "rows",
    "value": 0
  "tags": [
  "timeSeriesProperties": {
    "isMostlyImputed": null
  "uri": "string",
  "versionId": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
categories [string] true An array of strings describing the intended use of the dataset.
columnCount integer true The number of columns in the dataset.
createdBy string¦null true Username of the user who created the dataset.
creationDate string(date-time) true The date when the dataset was created.
dataEngineQueryId string¦null true ID of the source data engine query.
dataPersisted boolean true If true, user is allowed to view extended data profile (which includes data statistics like min/max/median/mean, histogram, etc.) and download data. If false, download is not allowed and only the data schema (feature names and types) will be available.
dataSourceId string¦null true ID of the datasource used as the source of the dataset.
dataSourceType string true The type of the datasource that was used as the source of the dataset.
datasetId string true The ID of this dataset.
datasetSize integer true The size of the dataset as a CSV in bytes.
description string¦null true The description of the dataset.
eda1ModificationDate string(date-time) true The ISO 8601 formatted date and time when the EDA1 for the dataset was updated.
eda1ModifierFullName string true The user who was the last to update EDA1 for the dataset.
entityCountByType EntityCountByTypeResponse false Number of different type entities that use the dataset.
error string true Details of exception raised during ingestion process, if any.
featureCount integer true Total number of features in the dataset.
featureCountByType [FeatureCountByTypeResponse] true Number of features in the dataset grouped by feature type.
featureDiscoveryProjectId string false Feature Discovery project ID used to create the dataset.
isDataEngineEligible boolean true Whether this dataset can be a data source of a data engine query.
isLatestVersion boolean true Whether this dataset version is the latest version of this dataset.
isSnapshot boolean true Whether the dataset is an immutable snapshot of data which has previously been retrieved and saved to DataRobot.
isWranglingEligible boolean true Whether the source of the dataset can support wrangling.
lastModificationDate string(date-time) true The ISO 8601 formatted date and time when the dataset was last modified.
lastModifierFullName string true Full name of user who was the last to modify the dataset.
name string true The name of this dataset in the catalog.
processingState string true Current ingestion process state of dataset.
recipeId string¦null true ID of the source recipe.
rowCount integer true The number of rows in the dataset.
sampleSize SampleSize false Ingest size to use during dataset registration. Default behavior is to ingest full dataset.
tags [string] true List of tags attached to the item.
timeSeriesProperties TimeSeriesProperties true Properties related to time series data prep.
uri string true The URI to datasource. For example, file_name.csv, or jdbc:DATA_SOURCE_GIVEN_NAME/SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME, or jdbc:DATA_SOURCE_GIVEN_NAME/<query> for query based datasources, or, etc.
versionId string true The object ID of the catalog_version the dataset belongs to.

Enumerated Values

Property Value


  "ascending": true,
  "name": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ascending boolean true Should the metric be sorted in ascending order
name string true Name of the metric


  "type": "rows",
  "value": 0

Ingest size to use during dataset registration. Default behavior is to ingest full dataset.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
type string true Sample size can be specified only as a number of rows for now.
value integer true maximum: 1000000
minimum: 0 (exclusive)
Number of rows to ingest during dataset registration.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
type rows


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "canShare": true,
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "role": "ADMIN",
      "shareRecipientType": "user",
      "userFullName": "string"
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true The number of items returned.
data [AccessControlWithGrant] true The access control list.
next string¦null true URL pointing to the next page.
previous string¦null true URL pointing to the previous page.
totalCount integer true Total number of items matching the condition.


  "isMostlyImputed": null

Properties related to time series data prep.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
isMostlyImputed boolean¦null true Whether more than half of the rows are imputed.


  "advancedTour": "flightDelays",
  "description": null,
  "name": null


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
advancedTour string¦null false Advanced tour key.
description string¦null false maxLength: 500
The description of the Use Case.
name string¦null false maxLength: 100
The name of the Use Case.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
advancedTour [flightDelays, hospital]


  "applicationUrl": "string",
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "id": "string",
  "lastActivity": "created",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
applicationUrl string true The reachable URL of the custom application.
createdAt string(date-time) true Time when this model was created.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
id string true The id of the Custom Application
lastActivity string true The type of the last activity. Can be "Added" or "Modified"
name string true The name of the Custom Application
status string true The status of the custom application.
updatedAt string(date-time) true Time when this activity occurred.
updatedBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case

Enumerated Values

Property Value
lastActivity [created, Created, CREATED, modified, Modified, MODIFIED]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "applicationUrl": "string",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseCustomApplication] true maxItems: 100
List of custom applications.
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "columnCount": 0,
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "dataSourceType": "s3",
      "dataType": "static",
      "datasetSize": 0,
      "description": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "recipe",
      "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
      "isWranglingEligible": true,
      "latestRecipeId": "string",
      "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "rowCount": 0
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseDataResponse] true A list of the datasets in this Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "columnCount": 0,
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "dataSourceType": "s3",
  "dataType": "static",
  "datasetSize": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "recipe",
  "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
  "isWranglingEligible": true,
  "latestRecipeId": "string",
  "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "rowCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
columnCount integer¦null true The number of columns in a dataset. null might be returned in case dataset is in running or errored state
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
dataSourceType string¦null true The driver class type used to create the dataset if relevant.
dataType string true The type of data entity.
datasetSize integer¦null true The size of the dataset as a CSV in bytes. null might be returned in case dataset is in running or errored state
description string¦null true The description of the dataset or recipe.
entityId string true The primary id of the entity.
entityType string true The type of entity provided by the entity id.
featureDiscoveryProjectId string¦null true Related feature discovery project if this is a feature discovery dataset.
isWranglingEligible boolean true Whether the source of the dataset can support wrangling.
latestRecipeId string¦null true The latest recipe id linked to the dataset.
modifiedAt string(date-time)¦null true The timestamp generated at dataset modification.
name string¦null true The name of the dataset or recipe.
processingState string¦null true Current ingestion process state of dataset.
rowCount integer¦null true The number of data rows in the dataset. null might be returned in case dataset is in running or errored state

Enumerated Values

Property Value
dataSourceType [s3, native-s3, native-adls, adlsgen2, oracle, iris, exasol, sap, databricks-v1, bigquery-v1, bigquery1, bigquery2, athena2, athena1, kdb, treasuredata, elasticsearch, snowflake, mysq, mssql, postgres, palantirfoundry, teradata, redshift, unknown]
dataType [static, Static, STATIC, snapshot, Snapshot, SNAPSHOT, dynamic, Dynamic, DYNAMIC, wranglingRecipe, WranglingRecipe, WRANGLING_RECIPE, featureDiscoveryRecipe, FeatureDiscoveryRecipe, FEATURE_DISCOVERY_RECIPE]
entityType [recipe, Recipe, RECIPE, dataset, Dataset, DATASET, project, Project, PROJECT, application, Application, APPLICATION]


  "columnCount": 0,
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "dataPersisted": true,
  "dataSourceType": "string",
  "dataType": "static",
  "datasetId": "string",
  "datasetSize": 0,
  "datasetSourceType": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
  "isSnapshot": true,
  "isWranglingEligible": true,
  "latestRecipeId": "string",
  "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "modifiedBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "referenceMetadata": {
    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "createdBy": {
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
    "lastActivity": {
      "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "type": "string"
  "rowCount": 0,
  "versionId": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
columnCount integer¦null true The number of columns in a dataset. null might be returned in case dataset is in running or errored state
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at dataset creation.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
dataPersisted boolean true If true, user is allowed to view extended data profile (which includes data statistics like min/max/median/mean, histogram, etc.) and download data. If false, download is not allowed and only the data schema (feature names and types) will be available.
dataSourceType string¦null true The type of the data source used to create the dataset if relevant.
dataType string true The type of data entity.
datasetId string true The dataset id of the dataset.
datasetSize integer¦null true The size of the dataset as a CSV in bytes. null might be returned in case dataset is in running or errored state
datasetSourceType string¦null true The source type of the dataset
description string¦null true The description of the dataset.
featureDiscoveryProjectId string¦null false Related feature discovery project if this is a feature discovery dataset.
isSnapshot boolean true Whether the dataset is an immutable snapshot of data which has previously been retrieved and saved to DataRobot.
isWranglingEligible boolean true Whether the source of the dataset can support wrangling.
latestRecipeId string¦null true The latest recipe id linked to the dataset.
modifiedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at dataset modification.
modifiedBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
name string true The name of the dataset.
processingState string true Current ingestion process state of dataset.
referenceMetadata ExperimentContainerReferenceDatasetResponse true Metadata about the reference of the dataset in the Use Case.
rowCount integer¦null true The number of data rows in the dataset. null might be returned in case dataset is in running or errored state
versionId string true The dataset version id of the latest version of the dataset.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
dataType [static, Static, STATIC, snapshot, Snapshot, SNAPSHOT, dynamic, Dynamic, DYNAMIC, wranglingRecipe, WranglingRecipe, WRANGLING_RECIPE, featureDiscoveryRecipe, FeatureDiscoveryRecipe, FEATURE_DISCOVERY_RECIPE]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "columnCount": 0,
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "dataPersisted": true,
      "dataSourceType": "string",
      "dataType": "static",
      "datasetId": "string",
      "datasetSize": 0,
      "datasetSourceType": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "featureDiscoveryProjectId": "string",
      "isSnapshot": true,
      "isWranglingEligible": true,
      "latestRecipeId": "string",
      "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "modifiedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "referenceMetadata": {
        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "createdBy": {
          "email": "string",
          "fullName": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "userhash": "string",
          "username": "string"
        "lastActivity": {
          "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "type": "string"
      "rowCount": 0,
      "versionId": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseDatasetResponse] true A list of the datasets in the Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "type": "string"

Last activity details


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
timestamp string(date-time) true Time when this activity occurred.
type string true The type of activity. Can be "Added" or "Modified"


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "advancedTour": "string",
      "applicationsCount": 0,
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "customApplicationsCount": 0,
      "customJobsCount": 0,
      "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
      "datasetsCount": 0,
      "deploymentsCount": 0,
      "description": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "members": [
          "email": "string",
          "fullName": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "isOrganization": true,
          "userhash": "string",
          "username": "string"
      "modelsCount": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "notebooksCount": 0,
      "owners": [
          "email": "string",
          "fullName": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "isOrganization": true,
          "userhash": "string",
          "username": "string"
      "projectsCount": 0,
      "recipesCount": 0,
      "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
      "role": "OWNER",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseResponse] true maxItems: 100
A list of Use Cases that match the query
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "advancedTour": "string",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseWithShortenedInfoResponse] true maxItems: 100
minItems: 1
A list of Use Cases with shortened info that match the query
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "email": "string",
  "fullName": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "isOrganization": true,
  "userhash": "string",
  "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
email string¦null true The email address of the member.
fullName string¦null false The full name of the member.
id string true The id of the member.
isOrganization boolean¦null false Whether the member is organization.
userhash string¦null false Member's gravatar hash.
username string¦null false The username of the member.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "autopilotDataSelectionMethod": "duration",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "datasetName": "string",
      "hasCodegen": true,
      "hasHoldout": true,
      "isDatetimePartitioned": true,
      "isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout": true,
      "isStarred": true,
      "isTrainedIntoHoldout": true,
      "isTrainedIntoValidation": true,
      "metric": "\n        {\n            \"metrics\": {\n                \"RMSE\": {\n                    \"holdout\": 5000,\n                    \"validation\": 5100,\n                    \"backtesting\": null,\n                    \"backtestingScores\": null,\n                    \"crossValidation\": 6000,\n                    \"training\": null\n                },\n                \"FVE Poisson\": {\n                    \"holdout\": null,\n                    \"validation\": 0.56269,\n                    \"crossValidation\": 0.50166,\n                    \"backtesting\": null,\n                    \"backtestingScores\": null,\n                    \"training\": null\n                },\n            }\n        }\n",
      "modelFamily": "AB",
      "modelId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "projectId": "string",
      "projectName": "string",
      "samplePct": 0,
      "targetName": "string",
      "targetType": "Binary"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [ExperimentContainerModelsForComparisonModelResponse] true Models from multiple projects in the Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "target": "string",
  "targetType": "Binary",
  "weight": "string"

Project options currently saved for a project. Can be changed while project is in draft status.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
target string¦null false Name of the target
targetType string¦null false The target type of the project.
weight string¦null false Name of the weight (if configured)

Enumerated Values

Property Value
targetType [Binary, Regression, Multiclass, minInflated, Multilabel, TextGeneration]


  "autopilotDataSelectionMethod": "duration",
  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "dataset": "string",
  "datasetId": "string",
  "hasHoldout": true,
  "isDatasetLinkedToUseCase": true,
  "isDraft": true,
  "isErrored": true,
  "isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout": true,
  "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
  "lastActivity": {
    "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "type": "string"
  "metricDetail": [
      "ascending": true,
      "name": "string"
  "models": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "numberOfBacktests": 0,
  "projectId": "string",
  "projectOptions": {
    "target": "string",
    "targetType": "Binary",
    "weight": "string"
  "stage": "string",
  "statusErrorMessage": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "targetType": "Binary",
  "timeAware": true,
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
autopilotDataSelectionMethod string¦null true The Data Selection method of the datetime-partitioned project. null if project is not datetime-partitioned.
created ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at project creation.
createdBy string¦null false The id of the user who created.
dataset string true Name of the dataset in the registry used to build the project associated with the project
datasetId string¦null true The dataset id of the dataset in the registry.
hasHoldout boolean true Whether the project has holdout.
isDatasetLinkedToUseCase boolean true Indicates whether the dataset that this project was created from is attached to this Use Case.
isDraft boolean true Indicates whether the experiment configuration has been used for modeling and is therefore locked (False) or whether the setup has not been applied , and as a draft, can still be modified and used in training (True).
isErrored boolean true Indicates whether the experiment failed.
isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout boolean true Indicates whether validation scores are available. A result of 'N/A' in the UI indicates that a model was trained into validation or holdout and also either does not have stacked predictions or uses extended multiclass.
isWorkbenchEligible boolean true Indicates whether the experiment is Workbench-compatible.
lastActivity ExperimentContainerLastActivity true Last activity details
metricDetail [MetricDetail] true Project metrics
models integer true The number of models in an use case.
name string true The name of the project.
numberOfBacktests integer true minimum: 0
The number of backtests of the datetime-partitioned project. 0 if project is not datetime-partitioned.
projectId string true The ID of the project.
projectOptions UseCaseProjectOptionsResponse true Project options currently saved for a project. Can be changed while project is in draft status.
stage string true Stage of the experiment.
statusErrorMessage string true Experiment failure explanation.
target string¦null false Name of the target
targetType string¦null false Type of modeling target
timeAware boolean true Shows if project uses time series
updated ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
updatedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at project modification.
updatedBy string¦null false The id of the user who last updated.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
autopilotDataSelectionMethod [duration, rowCount]
targetType [Binary, Regression, Multiclass, minInflated, Multilabel, TextGeneration]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "autopilotDataSelectionMethod": "duration",
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "dataset": "string",
      "datasetId": "string",
      "hasHoldout": true,
      "isDatasetLinkedToUseCase": true,
      "isDraft": true,
      "isErrored": true,
      "isScoringAvailableForModelsTrainedIntoValidationHoldout": true,
      "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "metricDetail": [
          "ascending": true,
          "name": "string"
      "models": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "numberOfBacktests": 0,
      "projectId": "string",
      "projectOptions": {
        "target": "string",
        "targetType": "Binary",
        "weight": "string"
      "stage": "string",
      "statusErrorMessage": "string",
      "target": "string",
      "targetType": "Binary",
      "timeAware": true,
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseProjectResponse] true A list of the Use Case projects that match the query
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "metadata": {
        "isDraft": true,
        "isErrored": true,
        "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
        "stage": "string",
        "statusErrorMessage": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseReferenceRetrieve] true maxItems: 100
A list of the Use Case references that match the query.
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "dataSourceType": "string",
  "datasetSize": 0,
  "datasetSourceType": "string",
  "isSnapshot": true,
  "isWranglingEligible": true,
  "latestRecipeId": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dataSourceType string¦null true The type of the data source used to create the dataset if relevant.
datasetSize integer¦null true Size of the dataset in bytes
datasetSourceType string¦null true The source type of the dataset
isSnapshot boolean true Whether the dataset is an immutable snapshot of data which has previously been retrieved and saved to DataRobot.
isWranglingEligible boolean true Whether the source of the dataset can support wrangling.
latestRecipeId string¦null true Latest recipe ID linked to the dataset

  "workflow": "migration"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
workflow string true The workflow that is attaching this entity. Does not affect the operation of the API call. Only used for analytics.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
workflow [migration, creation, move, unspecified]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "metadata": {
        "isDraft": true,
        "isErrored": true,
        "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
        "stage": "string",
        "statusErrorMessage": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "processingState": "COMPLETED",
      "updated": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseReferenceRetrieve] true A list of the Use Case references that match the query.
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.

  "entitiesList": [
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "project",
      "includeDataset": true
  "workflow": "migration"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
entitiesList [UseCaseReferenceMultilinkEntity] true maxItems: 100
minItems: 1
Entities to link to this Use Case
workflow string true The workflow that is attaching this entity. Does not affect the operation of the API call. Only used for analytics.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
workflow [migration, creation, move, unspecified]


  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "project",
  "includeDataset": true


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
entityId string true The primary id of the entity to link.
entityType string true The type of entity to link.
includeDataset boolean false Include dataset migration when an experiment is migrated

Enumerated Values

Property Value
entityType [project, dataset, notebook, application, recipe, customModelVersion, registeredModelVersion, deployment, customApplication, customJob]


  "description": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
description string true Description of the playground


  "isDraft": true,
  "isErrored": true,
  "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
  "stage": "string",
  "statusErrorMessage": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
isDraft boolean true Indicates whether the experiment configuration has been used for modeling and is therefore locked (False) or whether the setup has not been applied , and as a draft, can still be modified and used in training (True).
isErrored boolean true Indicates whether the experiment failed.
isWorkbenchEligible boolean true Indicates whether the experiment is Workbench-compatible.
stage string true Stage of the experiment.
statusErrorMessage string true Experiment failure explanation.


  "dataType": "static"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dataType string¦null true The type of the recipe (wrangling or feature discovery)

Enumerated Values

Property Value
dataType [static, Static, STATIC, snapshot, Snapshot, SNAPSHOT, dynamic, Dynamic, DYNAMIC, wranglingRecipe, WranglingRecipe, WRANGLING_RECIPE, featureDiscoveryRecipe, FeatureDiscoveryRecipe, FEATURE_DISCOVERY_RECIPE]


  "createdBy": "string",
  "entityId": "string",
  "entityType": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "lastActivity": {
    "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "type": "string"
  "metadata": {
    "isDraft": true,
    "isErrored": true,
    "isWorkbenchEligible": true,
    "stage": "string",
    "statusErrorMessage": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "processingState": "COMPLETED",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "useCaseId": "string",
  "useCaseName": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
createdBy string¦null false The id of the user who created.
entityId string true The primary id of the entity.
entityType string true The type of entity provided by the entity id.
id string true The ID of the Use Case reference.
lastActivity UseCaseLastActivity true Last activity details
metadata any false Reference metadata for the Use Case


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous UseCaseReferenceProjectMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous UseCaseReferenceDatasetMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous UseCaseReferenceRecipeMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous UseCaseReferencePlaygroundMetadata false none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
name string true The name of the Use Case reference.
processingState string false Current ingestion process state of dataset.
updated ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
updatedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at record creation.
updatedBy string¦null false The id of the user who last updated.
useCaseId string true The ID of the linked Use Case.
useCaseName string¦null false The name of the linked Use Case.

Enumerated Values

Property Value


  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "id": "string",
  "lastActivity": "created",
  "name": "string",
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "versions": [
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "name": "string",
      "registeredModelVersion": 0,
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
createdAt string(date-time) true Time when this model was created.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
id string true The id of the Registered Models.
lastActivity string true The type of the last activity. Can be "Added" or "Modified".
name string true The name of the Registered Models.
updatedAt string(date-time) true Time when this activity occurred.
updatedBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
versions [UseCaseRegisteredModelVersion] true maxItems: 100
List of Registered Model Versions.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
lastActivity [created, Created, CREATED, modified, Modified, MODIFIED]


  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "id": "string",
  "lastActivity": "created",
  "name": "string",
  "registeredModelVersion": 0,
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
createdAt string(date-time) true Time when this model was created.
createdBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
id string true The id of the Registered Models.
lastActivity string true The type of the last activity. Can be "Added" or "Modified".
name string true The name of the Registered Models.
registeredModelVersion integer true The version of the registered model.
updatedAt string(date-time) true Time when the last update occurred.
updatedBy ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case

Enumerated Values

Property Value
lastActivity [created, Created, CREATED, modified, Modified, MODIFIED]


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "lastActivity": "created",
      "name": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "versions": [
          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "createdBy": {
            "email": "string",
            "fullName": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "userhash": "string",
            "username": "string"
          "id": "string",
          "lastActivity": "created",
          "name": "string",
          "registeredModelVersion": 0,
          "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "updatedBy": {
            "email": "string",
            "fullName": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "userhash": "string",
            "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [UseCaseRegisteredModel] true maxItems: 100
List of Registered Modelss.
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "advancedTour": "string",
  "applicationsCount": 0,
  "created": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "customApplicationsCount": 0,
  "customJobsCount": 0,
  "customModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "datasetsCount": 0,
  "deploymentsCount": 0,
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "members": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "modelsCount": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "notebooksCount": 0,
  "owners": [
      "email": "string",
      "fullName": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isOrganization": true,
      "userhash": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "projectsCount": 0,
  "recipesCount": 0,
  "registeredModelVersionsCount": 0,
  "role": "OWNER",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updated": {
    "email": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "userhash": "string",
    "username": "string"
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
advancedTour string¦null false Advanced tour key.
applicationsCount integer true The number of applications in a Use Case.
created ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at record creation.
createdBy string¦null false The ID of the user who created.
customApplicationsCount integer true The number of custom applications referenced in a Use Case.
customJobsCount integer true The number of custom jobs referenced in a Use Case.
customModelVersionsCount integer true The number of custom models referenced in a Use Case.
datasetsCount integer true The number of datasets in a Use Case.
deploymentsCount integer true The number of deployments referenced in a Use Case.
description string¦null true The description of the Use Case.
id string true The ID of the Use Case.
members [UseCaseMemberResponse] true List of Use Case members
modelsCount integer false [DEPRECATED] The number of models in a Use Case.
name string true The name of the Use Case.
notebooksCount integer true The number of notebooks in a Use Case.
owners [UseCaseMemberResponse] false List of owners of a Use Case
projectsCount integer true The number of projects in a Use Case.
recipesCount integer true The number of recipes in a Use Case.
registeredModelVersionsCount integer true The number of registered models referenced in a Use Case.
role string true The requesting user's role on this Use Case.
tenantId string¦null true The ID of the tenant to associate this organization with.
updated ExperimentContainerUserResponse true User who created the Use Case
updatedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated when the record was last updated.
updatedBy string¦null false The ID of the user who last updated.

Enumerated Values

Property Value


  "description": "string",
  "name": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
description string¦null false maxLength: 500
The description of the Use Case.
name string¦null false maxLength: 100
The name of the Use Case.


  "advancedTour": "string",
  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "updatedBy": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
advancedTour string¦null false Advanced tour key.
createdAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated at record creation.
createdBy string¦null false The ID of the user who created the Use Case.
description string¦null true The description of the Use Case.
id string true The ID of the Use Case.
name string true The name of the Use Case.
tenantId string¦null true The ID of the tenant to associate this organization with.
updatedAt string(date-time) true The timestamp generated when the record was last updated.
updatedBy string¦null false The ID of the user who last updated the Use Case.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "applicationId": "string",
      "applicationTemplateType": "string",
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "description": "string",
      "lastActivity": {
        "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "type": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "projectId": "string",
      "source": "string",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [ExperimentContainerApplicationResponse] true A list of the applications in this Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "notebook",
      "experimentContainerId": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "useCaseId": "string",
      "useCaseName": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [ExperimentContainerNotebookResponse] true maxItems: 100
A list of the notebooks in this Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "playground",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [ExperimentContainerPlaygroundResponse] true A list of the playgrounds in this Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.


  "includeDataset": true


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
includeDataset boolean false Include dataset migration when project is migrated.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "email": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "userhash": "string",
        "username": "string"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "entityType": "vector_database",
      "id": "string",
      "isDeleted": true,
      "referenceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer false Number of items returned on this page.
data [ExperimentContainerVectorDatabaseResponse] true A list of the vector databases in this Use Case
next string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the next page (if null, there is no next page).
previous string(uri)¦null true URL pointing to the previous page (if null, there is no previous page).
totalCount integer true The total number of items across all pages.

Updated October 17, 2024