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R client changelog

Reference the changes introduced to new versions of DataRobot's R client.

R client v2.18.4

Version v2.18.4 of the R client is now generally available. It can be accessed via CRAN or GitHub.

The datarobot package is now dependent on R >= 3.5.

New features

  • The R client will now output a warning when you attempt to access certain resources (projects, models, deployments, etc.) that are deprecated or disabled by the DataRobot platform migration to Python 3.

  • Added support for comprehensive autopilot: use mode = AutopilotMode.Comprehensive.


  • The function RequestFeatureImpact now accepts a rowCount argument, which will change the sample size used for Feature Impact calculations.

  • The un-exported function datarobot:::UploadData now takes an optional argument fileName.


  • Fixed an issue where an undocumented feature in curl==5.0.1 is installed that caused any invocation of datarobot:::UploadData (i.e., SetupProject) to fail with the error No method asJSON S3 class: form_file.

  • Loading the datarobot package with suppressPackageStartupMessages() will now suppress all messages.

API changes

  • The functions ListProjects and no longer return fields related to recommender models, which were removed in v2.5.0.

  • The function SetTarget now sets autopilot mode to Quick by default. Additionally, when Quick is passed, the underlying /aim endpoint will no longer be invoked with Auto.


  • The quickrun argument is removed from the function SetTarget. Users should set mode = AutopilotMode.Quick instead.

  • Compliance Documentation was deprecated in favor of the Automated Documentation API.

Dependency changes

  • The datarobot package is now dependent on R >= 3.5 due to changes in the updated "Introduction to DataRobot" vignette.

  • Added dependency on AmesHousing package for updated "Introduction to DataRobot" vignette.

  • Removed dependency on MASS package.

  • Client documentation is now explicitly generated with Roxygen2 v7.2.3.

Documentation changes

  • Updated the "Introduction to DataRobot" vignette to use Ames, Iowa housing data instead of the Boston housing dataset.

R client v2.31

Version v2.31 of the R client is available for preview. It can be installed via GitHub.

This version of the R client addresses an issue where a new feature in the curl==5.0.1 package caused any invocation of datarobot:::UploadData (i.e., SetupProject) to fail with the error No method asJSON S3 class: form_file.


The unexported function datarobot:::UploadData now takes an optional argument fileName.


Loading the datarobot package with suppressPackageStartupMessages() will now suppress all messages.


  • CreateProjectsDatetimeModelsFeatureFit has been removed. Use CreateProjectsDatetimeModelsFeatureEffects instead.
  • ListProjectsDatetimeModelsFeatureFit has been removed. Use ListProjectsDatetimeModelsFeatureEffects instead.
  • ListProjectsDatetimeModelsFeatureFitMetadata has been removed. Use ListProjectsDatetimeModelsFeatureEffectsMetadata instead.
  • CreateProjectsModelsFeatureFit has been removed. Use CreateProjectsModelsFeatureEffects instead.
  • ListProjectsModelsFeatureFit has been removed. Use ListProjectsModelsFeatureEffects instead.
  • ListProjectsModelsFeatureFitMetadata has been removed. Use ListProjectsModelsFeatureEffectsMetadata instead.

Dependency changes

Client documentation is now explicitly generated with Roxygen2 v7.2.3. Added Suggests: mockery to improve unit test development experience.

Updated March 26, 2024