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On-premise users: click in-app to access the full platform documentation for your version of DataRobot.

Profile settings

Availability information

If your organization uses LDAP as an external account management system for single sign-on, you can't edit your profile in DataRobot. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

To view your available profile settings, click your profile avatar in the upper-right corner of DataRobot and click User settings.

On the Settings page, you can access the following tabs:

Tab Description
Account View and edit your private account information.
Profile View and edit your public profile and professional network information.
Authentication Configure password, sign-in methods, and two-factor authentication to secure your DataRobot account.

Edit account information

To edit your DataRobot account information, edit any of the following fields and then click Save changes:

  • Email address
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Preferred language

Edit public profile

If you choose to provide public profile information, on the Profile page, add any of the following information, and then click Save changes:

  • Company
  • Job title
  • Industry
  • Country

Change avatar

Availability information

The custom avatar feature is only for DataRobot managed AI Platform deployments.

To upload or change your avatar, upload a Gravatar at the top of the Account tab:

  1. Click Upload Picture to open Gravatar in a new window. Log in to Gravatar or create an account.
  2. Confirm that you registered your DataRobot email address with Gravatar.
  3. If you haven't already, upload an avatar to your account. (Click My Gravatars > Add a new image.)
  4. From the Manage Gravatars page, select a default image and click Confirm.
  5. Return to DataRobot and refresh the page. If your new avatar does not appear, verify that the emails match.


To see your new avatar, you may need to clear your browser cache and refresh the page. If your avatar does not appear, wait approximately 10 minutes and try again (Gravatar doesn't instantaneously serve new images).

Configure security settings

To secure your DataRobot account, configure your password and two-factor authentication settings on the Security tab.

Change password

To change your password, enter your current password, enter a new password, and then confirm the new password. If your current password is incorrect, or the new password and confirmation password fields don't match, you receive an error message.

DataRobot passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • Only printable ASCII characters
  • Minimum one uppercase letter
  • Minimum one number
  • Minimum 8 characters
  • Maximum 512 characters
  • Username and password cannot be the same

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an opt-in feature that provides additional security for DataRobot users. See the section on 2FA for setup information.

Configure system settings

To configure system settings such as color theme and CSV export, click your profile avatar in the upper-right corner and navigate to Preferences > System.

Change display language

To change the language DataRobot displays, open the Language dropdown menu and click your preferred language. DataRobot reloads to display in your language.


Changing the DataRobot display language does not affect uploaded data, model names, and some other UI elements.

Change default experience

To change between the Classic and NextGen DataRobot experiences, use the toggle. Enable it to use the new, NextGen UI. Disable the toggle to use the Classic DataRobot experience.

Change display theme

To change the color of the application display (dark theme by default), use the Themes dropdown menu to select Dark or Light.

Include byte order mark (BOM)

The byte order mark (BOM) is a byte sequence that indicates encoding by adding three bytes to the beginning of a file. DataRobot allows you to enable or disable the inclusion of this marker in your profile settings. Software recognizing the BOM is then able to display files correctly.

When exported CSV files include non-ASCII characters, use the BOM to ensure compatibility with file editors that don't verify encoding. For example, without the BOM, Excel may misrepresent characters from languages other than English. Modern versions of Excel correctly display international characters if you include the BOM.

To enable or disable BOM insertion in exported CSV files, under CSV export, switch the Include BOM toggle. This setting is disabled by default.

Configure notification settings

To mute email notifications and configure Autopilot completion notifications, click your profile avatar in the upper-right corner and navigate to Preferences > Notifications.

Mute email notifications

To mute all DataRobot email notifications, such as Autopilot notifications, deployment monitoring notifications, etc., enable the Mute all email notifications setting.

Configure Autopilot notifications

If you close your browser or log out, DataRobot continues building models in any projects that have started the model building phase. To allow DataRobot to send a notification when Autopilot completes—via browser alert or email—use the Enable email notification when Autopilot has finished and Enable browser notification when Autopilot has finished settings.

Updated January 23, 2024