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アプリケーション内で をクリックすると、お使いのDataRobotバージョンに関する全プラットフォームドキュメントにアクセスできます。


This page outlines the operations, endpoints, parameters, and example requests and responses for the Analytics.

GET /api/v2/eventLogs/

Retrieve one page of audit log records.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
projectId query string false The project to select log records for.
userId query string false The user to select log records for.
orgId query string false The organization to select log records for.
event query string false The event type of records.
minTimestamp query string(date-time) false The lower bound for timestamps. E.g. '2016-12-13T11:12:13.141516Z'.
maxTimestamp query string(date-time) false The upper bound for timestamps. E.g. '2016-12-13T11:12:13.141516Z'.
offset query integer false This many results will be skipped. Defaults to 0.
order query string false The order of the results. Defaults to descending.
includeIdentifyingFields query string false Indicates if identifying information like user names, project names, etc. should be included or not. Defaults to True.
auditReportType query string false Indicates which type of event to return - must be one of APP_USAGE for application related events (i.e. Project Created, Dataset Uploaded, etc.) or ADMIN_USAGE for admin related events (i.e. Reset API Token for User, Organization Created, etc.). If not provided, all events will be returned by default.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
event [ADLS OAuth Failed, ADLS OAuth Token Obtained, ADLS OAuth Token Renewal Succeeded, ADLS OAuth User Login Started, ADLS OAuth User Login Succeeded, API Key Created, API Key Deleted, API Key Updated, Abort Autopilot, Access granted to a resource for a subject entity, Access granted to a resource referenced by an experiment container, Access request created, Access revoked to a resource for a subject entity, Access revoked to a resource referenced by an experiment container, Activate account, Activated On First Login, Actuals Uploaded, Add Model, Add New Dataset For Predictions, Add SAML configuration, Advanced Tuning Requested, App Config Changed, App Template Cloned, Approval Workflow Policy Action, Approval Workflow Policy Created, Approval Workflow Policy Deleted, Approval Workflow Policy Updated, Approve account, Association ID Set, Automated Application Access Revoked from the Group, Automated Application Access Revoked from the Organization, Automated Application Access Revoked from the User, Automated Application Created, Automated Application Deleted, Automated Application Domain Prefix Changed, Automated Application Duplicated, Automated Application Shared, Automated Application Shared with Group, Automated Application Shared with Organization, Automated Application Upgraded, Automated Demo Application Created, Automated Document Created, Automated Document Deleted, Automated Document Downloaded, Automated Document Previewed, Automated Document Requested, Automatic Time Series Task Plan Requested, Available Forecast Points Computation Job Started, Base Image Built, Batch Monitoring Disabled, Batch Monitoring Enabled, Batch Prediction Created from Dataset, Batch prediction job aborted, Batch prediction job completed, Batch prediction job created, Batch prediction job failed, Batch prediction job started, Bias And Fairness Cross Class Calculated, Bias And Fairness Insights Calculated, Bias And Fairness Per Class Calculated, Bias and Fairness monitoring settings updated., Bias and Fairness protected features specified., Blending Models Limit Exceeded, Branded Theme Created, Branded Theme Deleted, Branded Theme Updated, Bulk Datasets Deleted, Bulk Datasets Tags Appended, CCM Balancer Terminated, CCM CLUSTER Reprovisioned, CCM Cluster Created, CCM Cluster Terminated, CCM Resource Group Created, Calculation of prediction intervals is requested, Challenger Insight Generation Started, Challenger Model Created, Challenger Model Deleted, Challenger Model Promoted, Challenger Models Disabled, Challenger Models Enabled, Change Request Cancelled, Change Request Created, Change Request Reopened, Change Request Resolved, Change Request Review Added, Change Request Updated, Change password, Child Entity Associated With Workspace In AI Catalog, Child Entity Disassociated From Workspace In AI Catalog, Clustering Cluster Names Updated, Code Snippet Created, Codespace Created, Codespace Deleted, Codespace Metadata Edited, Codespace Session Started, Codespace Session Stopped, Comment Created, Comment Deleted, Comment Updated, Completed Feature Discovery Secondary Datasets, Completed Feature Discovery for Primary Dataset, Compliance Doc Deleted, Compliance Doc Downloaded, Compliance Doc Generated, Compliance Doc Previewed, Compute Cluster Added, Compute Cluster Deleted, Compute Cluster Updated, Compute External Insights, Compute Reason Codes, Create account, Created dataset from Data Engine workspace, Created dataset version from Data Engine workspace, Credential Created, Credential Deleted, Credential Updated, Credential Values Retrieved Based On OAuth Configuration ID, Custom Application Access Revoked from the Group, Custom Application Access Revoked from the Organization, Custom Application Access Revoked from the User, Custom Application Created, Custom Application Deleted, Custom Application Failed to Start, Custom Application Published, Custom Application Renamed, Custom Application Shared with Group, Custom Application Shared with Organization, Custom Application Shared with User, Custom Application Source Access Revoked from the Group, Custom Application Source Access Revoked from the Organization, Custom Application Source Access Revoked from the User, Custom Application Source Shared with Group, Custom Application Source Shared with Organization, Custom Application Source Shared with User, Custom Application Started, Custom Application Stopped, Custom Application Visited, Custom Application Visited by Guest, Custom Job Run Executed, Custom Metric Bulk Upload Succeeded, Custom Metric Creation Succeeded, Custom Metric Dataset Upload Succeeded, Custom Metric JSON Upload Succeeded, Custom Model Conversion Failed, Custom Model Conversion Files Uploaded, Custom Model Conversion Succeeded, Custom RBAC Access Role Created, Custom RBAC Access Role Deleted, Custom RBAC Access Role Updated, Custom Registered Model Created, Custom Registered Model Version Added, Custom Task Deploy, Custom Task Fit, Custom inference model added, Custom inference model assign training data request received, Custom inference model updated, Custom inference model version assign training data request received, Custom inference model version created from remote repository content, Custom model item added, Custom task added, Custom task updated, Custom task version added, Data Connection Created, Data Connection Deleted, Data Connection Tested, Data Connection Updated, Data Matching ANN Index Profile Built, Data Matching Query Requested, Data Sample Queried For Wrangling, Data Sampled for Chunk Definition, Data Source is created, Data Sources Permadelete Executed, Data Sources Permadelete Failed, Data Sources Permadelete Submitted, Data Store Config Request Submitted, Data Stores Permadelete Executed, Data Stores Permadelete Failed, Data Stores Permadelete Submitted, Data engine query generator created, Data engine query generator deleted, Data engine workspace created, Data engine workspace deleted, Data engine workspace state previewed, Data engine workspace updated, Dataset Categories Modified, Dataset Column Aliases Modified, Dataset Created, Dataset Deleted, Dataset Description Modified, Dataset Download, Dataset Materialized, Dataset Name Modified, Dataset Reloaded, Dataset Shared, Dataset Sharing Removed, Dataset Tags Modified, Dataset Undeleted, Dataset Upload, Dataset Upload is Completed, Dataset Version Deleted, Dataset Version Undeleted, Dataset featurelist created, Dataset featurelist deleted, Dataset featurelist updated, Dataset for predictions with actual value column processed, Dataset refresh job created, Dataset refresh job deleted, Dataset refresh job updated, Dataset relationship created, Dataset relationship updated, Dataset transform created, Datasets Permadelete Executed, Datasets Permadelete Failed, Datasets Permadelete Submitted, Deactivate Account, Decision Flow Created, Decision Flow Model Package Created, Decision Flow Test Downloaded, Decision Flow Version Created, Decision Flow Version Deleted, Default value for Do-Not-Derive is changed, Delete SAML configuration, Deny account, Deploy Model To Hadoop, Deployment Activated, Deployment Actuals Export Created, Deployment Added, Deployment Deactivated, Deployment Deleted, Deployment Humility Rule Added, Deployment Humility Rule Deleted, Deployment Humility Rule Submitted, Deployment Humility Rule Updated, Deployment Humility Setting Updated, Deployment Monitoring Batch Created, Deployment Monitoring Timeliness Setting Changed, Deployment Permanently Erased, Deployment Predictions Data Permanently Erased, Deployment Processing Limit Interval Changed, Deployment Statistics Reset, Deployment prediction export created, Deployment prediction warning setting updated, Deployment training data export created, Detected Data Quality: Disguised Missing Values, Detected Data Quality: Excess Zero, Detected Data Quality: Imputation Leakage, Detected Data Quality: Inconsistent Gaps, Detected Data Quality: Inliers, Detected Data Quality: Lagged Features, Detected Data Quality: Leading or Trailing Series, Detected Data Quality: Missing Documents, Detected Data Quality: Missing Images, Detected Data Quality: Multicategorical Invalid Format, Detected Data Quality: New Series in Recent Data, Detected Data Quality: Outliers, Detected Data Quality: Quantile Target Sparsity, Detected Data Quality: Quantile Target Zero Inflation, Detected Data Quality: Target Leakage, Detected Data Quality: Target had infrequent negative values, Do-Not-Derive is used, Documentation Request, Download All Charts, Download Chart, Download Codegen, Download Codegen From Deployment, Download Deployment Chart, Download Model, Download Model Package, Download Model Package From Deployment, Download Predictions, Empty Catalog Item Created, Empty Cluster Status Created, Entitlement Definition Created, Entitlement Definition Deleted, Entitlement Definition Updated, Entitlement Set Created, Entitlement Set Deleted, Entitlement Set Updated, Entitlement Set Updated Entitlements, Entity Notification Channel Created, Entity Notification Channel Deleted, Entity Notification Channel Updated, Entity Notification Policy Created, Entity Notification Policy Deleted, Entity Notification Policy Updated, Entity notification channel created, Ephemeral Session Started, Ephemeral Session Stopped, Experiment Container Created, Experiment Container Dataset Registered, Experiment Container Dataset Unregistered, Experiment Container Deleted, Experiment Container Entity Linked, Experiment Container Entity Migrated, Experiment Container Entity Moved, Experiment Container Entity Unlinked, Experiment Container Reference To Catalog Dataset Removed, Experiment Container Reference To Catalog Dataset Version Removed, Experiment Container Updated, External Predictions Configured, External Registered Model Created, External Registered Model Version Added, FEAR Predict Job Started, FaaS Function Created, FaaS Function Deleted, FaaS Function Perma Deleted, FaaS Function Updated, Failed Decision Flow Test, Feature Discovery Relationship Quality Assessment Inputs Metrics, Feature Discovery Relationship Quality Assessment Warnings Metrics, Feature Drift Settings Changed, Feature Over Geo Computed, Finish Autopilot, First Login After DR Account Migration, GenAI Chat Created, GenAI Chat Deleted, GenAI Chat Prompt Created, GenAI Chat Prompt Deleted, GenAI Chat Prompt Updated, GenAI Chat Updated, GenAI Comparison Chat Created, GenAI Comparison Chat Deleted, GenAI Comparison Chat Updated, GenAI Comparison Prompt Created, GenAI Comparison Prompt Deleted, GenAI Comparison Prompt Updated, GenAI Cost Metric Configuration Created, GenAI Cost Metric Configuration Deleted, GenAI Cost Metric Configuration Updated, GenAI Evaluation Dataset Configuration Created, GenAI Evaluation Dataset Configuration Deleted, GenAI Evaluation Dataset Configuration Updated, GenAI Insights Upserted, GenAI LLM Blueprint Created, GenAI LLM Blueprint Created from Chat Prompt, GenAI LLM Blueprint Created from LLM Blueprint, GenAI LLM Blueprint Deleted, GenAI LLM Blueprint Sent to Model Workshop, GenAI LLM Blueprint Updated, GenAI LLM Test Configuration Created, GenAI LLM Test Configuration Deleted, GenAI LLM Test Configuration Updated, GenAI LLM Test Result Created, GenAI LLM Test Result Deleted, GenAI LLM Test Result Updated, GenAI LLM Test Suite Created, GenAI LLM Test Suite Deleted, GenAI LLM Test Suite Updated, GenAI Playground Created, GenAI Playground Deleted, GenAI Playground Updated, GenAI Vector Database Created, GenAI Vector Database Deleted, GenAI Vector Database Exported, GenAI Vector Database Updated, General Feedback Submitted, Generic Custom Job Created, Generic Custom Job Manual Run Created, Generic Custom Job Scheduled Run Created, Geometry Over Geo Computed, Geospatial Feature Transform Created, Geospatial Primary Location Column Selected, Global SAML Configuration Added, Global SAML Configuration Deleted, Global SAML Configuration Updated, Group Members Updated, Group created, Group deleted, Group updated, Hosted Custom Metric Custom Job Created, Hosted Custom Metric Deployment Connection Created, Interaction Feature Created, Interaction Feature Deployment Created, Invitation Accepted, Invitation sent, Job definition created, Job definition updated, Login Fail, Login Succeeded Via Global SAML SSO, Login Success Via SAML SSO, Login Successful, Logout, MLOPS Integrations Deployment Launched, MLOPS Integrations Deployment Model Replaced, MLOPS Integrations Deployment Stopped, MLOPS Integrations Prediction Environment Created, MLOPS Integrations Prediction Environment Deleted, MLOps Installer Download Request Received, Managed Image Built, Model Deployment Shared, Model Insights Deleted, Model Insights Job Submitted, Models Starred, Multi-Factor Auth Disable, Multi-Factor Auth Enable, Multilabel Labelwise ROC With Missing TPR Or FPR Requested, Native Registered Model Created, Native Registered Model Version Added, Network Policy Created, Network Policy Deleted, Network Policy Updated, No predictors are left because of Do-Not-Derive, Non Existent Value Tracker Attachment Removed, Notebook Conversion to Codespace Complete, Notebook Conversion to Codespace Initiated, Notebook Created, Notebook Deleted, Notebook Environment Variable Deleted, Notebook Environment Variable Edited, Notebook Environment Variables Created, Notebook Environment Variables Deleted, Notebook Metadata Edited, Notebook Revision Created, Notebook Revision Deleted, Notebook Revision Restored, Notebook Schedule Created, Notebook Schedule Deleted, Notebook Schedule Disabled, Notebook Schedule Enabled, Notebook Schedule Launched, Notebook Session Ports Created, Notebook Session Ports Deleted, Notebook Session Ports Updated, Notebook Session Started, Notebook Session Stopped, Notification Channel Deleted, Notification Channel Template Created, Notification Channel Template Deleted, Notification Channel Template Updated, Notification Custom Job Created, Notification Policy Created, Notification Policy Created From Template, Notification Policy Deleted, Notification Policy Template Created, Notification Policy Template Deleted, Notification Policy Template Updated, Notification Policy Updated, Notification channel created, Notification channel deleted, Notification channel updated, Notification policy created, Notification policy deleted, Notification policy updated, Number of bias mitigation jobs on Autopilot stage., OCR Job Resource Created, OCR Job Resource Started, OIDC Configuration Created, OIDC Configuration Deleted, OIDC Configuration Updated, Online Conformal PI Calculation Requested, Organization Perma-Deletion Completed, Organization Perma-Deletion Failed, Organization Perma-Deletion Marked, Organization Perma-Deletion Requested, Organization Perma-Deletion Started, Organization Perma-Deletion Unmarked, Organization created, Organization deleted, Organization updated, Organizations Perma-Deletion Requested, PPS Docker Image Download Request Received, Period accuracy file validation failed, Period accuracy file validation successful, Period accuracy insight computed, Pipeline downsampling build and run started., Pipeline downsampling run failed to start., Predictions by Forecast Date Settings Updated, Prime Downloaded, Prime Run, Project Access Revoked from the Group, Project Access Revoked from the Organization, Project Access Revoked from the User, Project Autopilot Configured, Project Cloned, Project Created, Project Created from Dataset, Project Created from Project Export File, Project Created from Wrangled Dataset, Project Deleted, Project Description Updated, Project Exported as Project Export File, Project Options Retrieved, Project Options Updated, Project Permadelete Executed, Project Permadelete Failed, Project Permadelete Submitted, Project Renamed, Project Restored, Project Shared, Project Shared with Group, Project Shared with Organization, Project Target Selected, Published Recipe Data Uploaded, Rate limit user group changed, Recipe Access Revoked from Group, Recipe Access Revoked from Organization, Recipe Access Revoked from User, Recipe Created, Recipe Deleted, Recipe Operations Added, Recipe Published, Recipe Shared, Recipe Shared with Group, Recipe Shared with Organization, Recipe metadata updated, Registered Model Shared, Registered Model Updated, Registered Model Version Stage Transitioned, Registered Model Version Updated, Remote Repository Registered, Replaced Model, Request External Insights, Request External Insights - All Datasets, Request Model Insights, Restart Autopilot, Restore Reduced Features, Retraining Custom Job Created, Retraining Policy Cancelled, Retraining Policy Created, Retraining Policy Deleted, Retraining Policy Failed, Retraining Policy Started, Retraining Policy Succeeded, RuleFit Code Downloaded, SHAP Impact Computed, SHAP Matrix Computed, SHAP Predictions Explanations Computed, SHAP Predictions Explanations Preview Computed, SHAP Training Predictions Explanations Computed, Secure Configuration Created, Secure Configuration Deleted, Secure Configuration Shared, Secure Configuration Sharing Removed, Secure Configuration Values Updated, Segment Analysis Enabled, Segment Attributes Specified, Select Model Metric, ServiceUser Created, ServiceUser Deleted, ServiceUser Impersonated Token Requested, ServiceUser Token Requested, ServiceUser Updated, Start Autopilot, Successful Decision Flow Test, Successful Login using OIDC flow, Successful Login using OIDC token exchange, Successful Login via Google Idp, Target is set as Do-Not-Derive, Tenant Created, Tenant Encryption Key generated and managed by DataRobot KMS, Tenant Encryption Key rotated, Tenant Encryption Key scheduled for deletion, Tenant Encryption Key was set for the tenant, Tenant Perma-Deletion Completed, Tenant Perma-Deletion Failed, Tenant Perma-Deletion Requested, Tenant Perma-Deletion Started, Tenant Updated, Text prediction explanations computed, Train Model, Unsupervised Mode Started, Update SAML configuration, Update account, User Agreement Accepted, User Agreement Declined, User Append Columns Download With Predictions, User Blueprint Added To Repository, User Blueprint Created, User Blueprint Deleted, User Blueprint Deleted In Bulk, User Blueprint Description Modified, User Blueprint Name Modified, User Blueprint Retrieved, User Blueprint Tags Modified, User Blueprint Tasks Retrieved, User Blueprint Updated, User Blueprint Validated, User Blueprints Listed, User Provisioned From JWT, Users Perma-Deletion Canceled, Users Perma-Deletion Canceling, Users Perma-Deletion Completed, Users Perma-Deletion Failed, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Canceled, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Canceling, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Completed, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Failed, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Started, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Submitted, Users Perma-Deletion Started, Users Perma-Deletion Submitted, Value Tracker Attachment Added, Value Tracker Attachment Removed, Value Tracker Created, Value Tracker Stage Changed, Value Tracker Updated, Workspace Description Modified, Workspace Marked As Deleted In AI Catalog, Workspace Modified, Workspace Name Modified, Workspace Registered In AI Catalog, Workspace Scheduled Batch Run Failed, Workspace Scheduled Batch Run Started, Workspace Scheduled Batch Run Succeeded, Workspace Tags Modified, Workspace scheduled batch processing job created, Workspace scheduled batch processing job deleted, Workspace scheduled batch processing job updated, aiAPI Portal Login]
order [asc, desc]
includeIdentifyingFields [false, False, true, True]
auditReportType [APP_USAGE, ADMIN_USAGE]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "context": {
        "orgId": "string",
        "orgName": "string",
        "projectName": "string",
        "projectType": "string",
        "userProjectRole": "string"
      "event": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "ip": "string",
      "projectId": "string",
      "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "userId": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A list of audit log records. AuditLogsRetrieveResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/eventLogs/events/

Retrieve all the available events. DEPRECATED API.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A list of events. AuditLogsEventListResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/eventLogs/predictionUsage/

Retrieve prediction usage data. CAN_ACCESS_USER_ACTIVITY permission is required.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
projectId query string false The project to retrieve prediction usage for.
userId query string false The user to retrieve prediction usage for.
minTimestamp query string(date-time) true The lower bound for timestamps. E.g. '2016-12-13T11:12:13.141516Z'.
maxTimestamp query string(date-time) true The upper bound for timestamps. Time range should not exceed 24 hours. E.g. '2016-12-13T11:12:13.141516Z'.
order query string false The order of prediction usage rows sorted by timestamp. Defaults to descending.
offset query integer false This many results will be skipped. Defaults to 0.
includeIdentifyingFields query string false Indicates if identifying information like user names, project names, etc should be included or not. Defaults to True.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
order [asc, desc]
includeIdentifyingFields [false, False, true, True]

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "avgExecutionTime": 0,
      "blenderModelTypes": "string",
      "datasetId": "string",
      "deploymentId": "string",
      "deploymentType": "string",
      "groupId": "string",
      "groupName": "string",
      "modelId": "string",
      "modelType": "string",
      "orgId": "string",
      "orgName": "string",
      "predictionExplanations": true,
      "predictionMethod": "string",
      "predictionRowCountPerMinute": [
      "predictionRowsCount": 0,
      "projectId": "string",
      "projectType": "string",
      "pythonVersion": "string",
      "recommendedModel": true,
      "requestCountPerMinute": [
      "requestsCount": 0,
      "serverErrorCount": 0,
      "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "userErrorCount": 0,
      "userId": "string",
      "userProjectRole": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A list of prediction events. PredictionUsageRetrieveResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/eventLogs/{recordId}/

Get audit record by ID.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{recordId}/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
includeIdentifyingFields query string false Indicates if identifying information like user names, project names, etc should be included or not. Defaults to True.
recordId path string true The id of the audit log.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
includeIdentifyingFields [false, False, true, True]

Example responses

200 Response

  "context": {
    "orgId": "string",
    "orgName": "string",
    "projectName": "string",
    "projectType": "string",
    "userProjectRole": "string"
  "event": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "ip": "string",
  "projectId": "string",
  "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "userId": "string",
  "username": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The queried audit record. AuditLogsRetrieveOneResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


POST /api/v2/usageDataExports/

Create a customer usage data artifact request. Requires "CAN_ACCESS_USER_ACTIVITY" permission. Returns async task status URL as a "Location" header. Async task status should be polled in order to retrieve artifact id.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
  -d '{UsageDataExport}'

Body parameter

  "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "include": [
  "includeIdentifyingFields": true,
  "includeReport": [
  "noCache": true,
  "projectId": "string",
  "start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "userId": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body UsageDataExport false none


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Customer usage data artifact creation started. Status can be tracked at Location field in headers. None
400 Bad Request Artifact creation process encountered a problem. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/usageDataExports/supportedEvents/

Describe supported available audit events with which to filter result data.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": "ADLS OAuth Failed"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A list of supported available audit events. UsageDataEventsListResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/usageDataExports/{artifactId}/

Retrieve a prepared customer usage data artifact. Requires "CAN_ACCESS_USER_ACTIVITY" permission.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{artifactId}/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
artifactId path string true The ID of the generated artifact to retrieve.

Example responses

202 Response

  "data": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted An artifact file in .zip format. UsageDataRetrieveResponse
400 Bad Request Usage data artifact retrieval failed. None
404 Not Found Requested artifact does not exist. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/rateLimitUsage/

Reset specified user's rate limit resource usage to zero for all resources. When windows roll over, all limits are automatically reset. Use this route to reset usage sooner.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{userId}/rateLimitUsage/ \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
userId path string true The user identifier.


Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The usage has been successfully reset to zero. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/rateLimitUsage/

List the rate limit resource usage for a user. The usage array returned will have one object corresponding to each rate limit applied to the user.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{userId}/rateLimitUsage/ \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
userId path string true The user identifier.

Example responses

200 Response

  "count": 0,
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "usage": [
      "currentUsage": 0,
      "maxUsage": 0,
      "resource": "string",
      "timeToExpire": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK none ResourceUsageResponse

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:


DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/rateLimitUsage/{resourceName}/

Reset rate limit resource usage for a user of a specified resource to zero. This will happen automatically when windows roll over. This route can be used to reset a user's rate limits sooner.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{userId}/rateLimitUsage/{resourceName}/ \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"


Name In Type Required Description
userId path string true The id of the user to reset usage for.
resourceName path string true The resource name to reset usage for.


Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The usage has been successfully reset to zero. None

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods:




  "orgId": "string",
  "orgName": "string",
  "projectName": "string",
  "projectType": "string",
  "userProjectRole": "string"

An object with additional attributes for the record.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
orgId string¦null false The id of the organization.
orgName string¦null false The name of the organization.
projectName string¦null false The name of the project.
projectType string¦null false The type of project.
userProjectRole string¦null false The role of the user associated with this project.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true Total count of event labels.
data [string] true A json array of event labels.


  "context": {
    "orgId": "string",
    "orgName": "string",
    "projectName": "string",
    "projectType": "string",
    "userProjectRole": "string"
  "event": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "ip": "string",
  "projectId": "string",
  "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "userId": "string",
  "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
context AuditLogContextObjectResponse true An object with additional attributes for the record.
event string true The record event label, e.g. 'Start Autopilot'.
id string true The record ID.
ip string¦null false The IP address of the server where the record event happened. Will be empty if includeIdentifyingFields is True.
projectId string¦null true The record event project id.
timestamp string(date-time) true The record timestamp.
userId string true The user id of the record events user.
username string¦null false The username of the record events user. Will be empty if includeIdentifyingFields is True.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "context": {
        "orgId": "string",
        "orgName": "string",
        "projectName": "string",
        "projectType": "string",
        "userProjectRole": "string"
      "event": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "ip": "string",
      "projectId": "string",
      "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "userId": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true The number of returned items.
data [AuditLogsRetrieveOneResponse] true A json array of audit log records structured in the same form as the response GET /api/v2/eventLogs/{recordId}/
next string(uri)¦null true A URL to the next page (if null, no next page exists).
previous string(uri)¦null true A URL to the previous page (if null, no previous page exists).
totalCount integer true The number of items matching the query condition.


  "avgExecutionTime": 0,
  "blenderModelTypes": "string",
  "datasetId": "string",
  "deploymentId": "string",
  "deploymentType": "string",
  "groupId": "string",
  "groupName": "string",
  "modelId": "string",
  "modelType": "string",
  "orgId": "string",
  "orgName": "string",
  "predictionExplanations": true,
  "predictionMethod": "string",
  "predictionRowCountPerMinute": [
  "predictionRowsCount": 0,
  "projectId": "string",
  "projectType": "string",
  "pythonVersion": "string",
  "recommendedModel": true,
  "requestCountPerMinute": [
  "requestsCount": 0,
  "serverErrorCount": 0,
  "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "userErrorCount": 0,
  "userId": "string",
  "userProjectRole": "string",
  "username": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
avgExecutionTime number true The average predictions execution time during timestamp hour
blenderModelTypes string¦null false The type of blender model.
datasetId string¦null false The id of the dataset.
deploymentId string¦null false The id of the deployment.
deploymentType string¦null false The type of deployment
groupId string¦null false The id of the group.
groupName string¦null false The name of the group.
modelId string¦null false The id of the model.
modelType string¦null false The type of the model.
orgId string¦null false The id of the organization.
orgName string¦null false The name of the organization.
predictionExplanations boolean¦null true If it contains prediction explanations.
predictionMethod string true The prediction method that was used.
predictionRowCountPerMinute [integer]¦null false List of row counts per minute.
predictionRowsCount integer true Predictions rows count during timestamp hour.
projectId string¦null false The id of the project.
projectType string¦null false The type of the project.
pythonVersion string¦null false The python version used to build models in the project
recommendedModel boolean¦null false If it is a recommended model.
requestCountPerMinute [integer]¦null false List of requests per minute.
requestsCount integer true Request count during timestamp hour.
serverErrorCount integer true Server error count during timestamp hour.
timestamp string(date-time) true The timestamp of the event.
userErrorCount integer true User error count during timestamp hour.
userId string true The id of the user.
userProjectRole string¦null false The role of the user to the related project.
username string¦null false The username of the user. Will be empty if includeIdentifyingFields is True.


  "count": 0,
  "data": [
      "avgExecutionTime": 0,
      "blenderModelTypes": "string",
      "datasetId": "string",
      "deploymentId": "string",
      "deploymentType": "string",
      "groupId": "string",
      "groupName": "string",
      "modelId": "string",
      "modelType": "string",
      "orgId": "string",
      "orgName": "string",
      "predictionExplanations": true,
      "predictionMethod": "string",
      "predictionRowCountPerMinute": [
      "predictionRowsCount": 0,
      "projectId": "string",
      "projectType": "string",
      "pythonVersion": "string",
      "recommendedModel": true,
      "requestCountPerMinute": [
      "requestsCount": 0,
      "serverErrorCount": 0,
      "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "userErrorCount": 0,
      "userId": "string",
      "userProjectRole": "string",
      "username": "string"
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "totalCount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true Amount of returned items
data [PredictionUsageObjectResponse] true A json array of prediction usage rows described below
next string(uri)¦null true A URL to the next page (if null, no next page exists).
previous string(uri)¦null true A URL to the previous page (if null, no previous page exists).
totalCount integer true Amount of items matching the query condition


  "currentUsage": 0,
  "maxUsage": 0,
  "resource": "string",
  "timeToExpire": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
currentUsage integer true The usage accumulated within the current window.
maxUsage integer true The maximum value currentUsage can take before requests using this resource are denied.
resource string true The rate limit resource this usage applies to.
timeToExpire integer true The number of seconds until this usage resets to zero.


  "count": 0,
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "usage": [
      "currentUsage": 0,
      "maxUsage": 0,
      "resource": "string",
      "timeToExpire": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
count integer true The number of resource usage records.
next string¦null true URL pointing to the next page.
previous string¦null true URL pointing to the previous page.
usage [ResourceUsage] true The resource usage records.


  "data": "ADLS OAuth Failed"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
data string true The available data event options to use in filtering.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
data [ADLS OAuth Failed, ADLS OAuth Token Obtained, ADLS OAuth Token Renewal Succeeded, ADLS OAuth User Login Started, ADLS OAuth User Login Succeeded, API Key Created, API Key Deleted, API Key Updated, Abort Autopilot, Access granted to a resource for a subject entity, Access granted to a resource referenced by an experiment container, Access request created, Access revoked to a resource for a subject entity, Access revoked to a resource referenced by an experiment container, Activate account, Activated On First Login, Actuals Uploaded, Add Model, Add New Dataset For Predictions, Add SAML configuration, Advanced Tuning Requested, App Config Changed, App Template Cloned, Approval Workflow Policy Action, Approval Workflow Policy Created, Approval Workflow Policy Deleted, Approval Workflow Policy Updated, Approve account, Association ID Set, Automated Application Access Revoked from the Group, Automated Application Access Revoked from the Organization, Automated Application Access Revoked from the User, Automated Application Created, Automated Application Deleted, Automated Application Domain Prefix Changed, Automated Application Duplicated, Automated Application Shared, Automated Application Shared with Group, Automated Application Shared with Organization, Automated Application Upgraded, Automated Demo Application Created, Automated Document Created, Automated Document Deleted, Automated Document Downloaded, Automated Document Previewed, Automated Document Requested, Automatic Time Series Task Plan Requested, Available Forecast Points Computation Job Started, Base Image Built, Batch Monitoring Disabled, Batch Monitoring Enabled, Batch Prediction Created from Dataset, Batch prediction job aborted, Batch prediction job completed, Batch prediction job created, Batch prediction job failed, Batch prediction job started, Bias And Fairness Cross Class Calculated, Bias And Fairness Insights Calculated, Bias And Fairness Per Class Calculated, Bias and Fairness monitoring settings updated., Bias and Fairness protected features specified., Blending Models Limit Exceeded, Branded Theme Created, Branded Theme Deleted, Branded Theme Updated, Bulk Datasets Deleted, Bulk Datasets Tags Appended, CCM Balancer Terminated, CCM CLUSTER Reprovisioned, CCM Cluster Created, CCM Cluster Terminated, CCM Resource Group Created, Calculation of prediction intervals is requested, Challenger Insight Generation Started, Challenger Model Created, Challenger Model Deleted, Challenger Model Promoted, Challenger Models Disabled, Challenger Models Enabled, Change Request Cancelled, Change Request Created, Change Request Reopened, Change Request Resolved, Change Request Review Added, Change Request Updated, Change password, Child Entity Associated With Workspace In AI Catalog, Child Entity Disassociated From Workspace In AI Catalog, Clustering Cluster Names Updated, Code Snippet Created, Codespace Created, Codespace Deleted, Codespace Metadata Edited, Codespace Session Started, Codespace Session Stopped, Comment Created, Comment Deleted, Comment Updated, Completed Feature Discovery Secondary Datasets, Completed Feature Discovery for Primary Dataset, Compliance Doc Deleted, Compliance Doc Downloaded, Compliance Doc Generated, Compliance Doc Previewed, Compute Cluster Added, Compute Cluster Deleted, Compute Cluster Updated, Compute External Insights, Compute Reason Codes, Create account, Created dataset from Data Engine workspace, Created dataset version from Data Engine workspace, Credential Created, Credential Deleted, Credential Updated, Credential Values Retrieved Based On OAuth Configuration ID, Custom Application Access Revoked from the Group, Custom Application Access Revoked from the Organization, Custom Application Access Revoked from the User, Custom Application Created, Custom Application Deleted, Custom Application Failed to Start, Custom Application Published, Custom Application Renamed, Custom Application Shared with Group, Custom Application Shared with Organization, Custom Application Shared with User, Custom Application Source Access Revoked from the Group, Custom Application Source Access Revoked from the Organization, Custom Application Source Access Revoked from the User, Custom Application Source Shared with Group, Custom Application Source Shared with Organization, Custom Application Source Shared with User, Custom Application Started, Custom Application Stopped, Custom Application Visited, Custom Application Visited by Guest, Custom Job Run Executed, Custom Metric Bulk Upload Succeeded, Custom Metric Creation Succeeded, Custom Metric Dataset Upload Succeeded, Custom Metric JSON Upload Succeeded, Custom Model Conversion Failed, Custom Model Conversion Files Uploaded, Custom Model Conversion Succeeded, Custom RBAC Access Role Created, Custom RBAC Access Role Deleted, Custom RBAC Access Role Updated, Custom Registered Model Created, Custom Registered Model Version Added, Custom Task Deploy, Custom Task Fit, Custom inference model added, Custom inference model assign training data request received, Custom inference model updated, Custom inference model version assign training data request received, Custom inference model version created from remote repository content, Custom model item added, Custom task added, Custom task updated, Custom task version added, Data Connection Created, Data Connection Deleted, Data Connection Tested, Data Connection Updated, Data Matching ANN Index Profile Built, Data Matching Query Requested, Data Sample Queried For Wrangling, Data Sampled for Chunk Definition, Data Source is created, Data Sources Permadelete Executed, Data Sources Permadelete Failed, Data Sources Permadelete Submitted, Data Store Config Request Submitted, Data Stores Permadelete Executed, Data Stores Permadelete Failed, Data Stores Permadelete Submitted, Data engine query generator created, Data engine query generator deleted, Data engine workspace created, Data engine workspace deleted, Data engine workspace state previewed, Data engine workspace updated, Dataset Categories Modified, Dataset Column Aliases Modified, Dataset Created, Dataset Deleted, Dataset Description Modified, Dataset Download, Dataset Materialized, Dataset Name Modified, Dataset Reloaded, Dataset Shared, Dataset Sharing Removed, Dataset Tags Modified, Dataset Undeleted, Dataset Upload, Dataset Upload is Completed, Dataset Version Deleted, Dataset Version Undeleted, Dataset featurelist created, Dataset featurelist deleted, Dataset featurelist updated, Dataset for predictions with actual value column processed, Dataset refresh job created, Dataset refresh job deleted, Dataset refresh job updated, Dataset relationship created, Dataset relationship updated, Dataset transform created, Datasets Permadelete Executed, Datasets Permadelete Failed, Datasets Permadelete Submitted, Deactivate Account, Decision Flow Created, Decision Flow Model Package Created, Decision Flow Test Downloaded, Decision Flow Version Created, Decision Flow Version Deleted, Default value for Do-Not-Derive is changed, Delete SAML configuration, Deny account, Deploy Model To Hadoop, Deployment Activated, Deployment Actuals Export Created, Deployment Added, Deployment Deactivated, Deployment Deleted, Deployment Humility Rule Added, Deployment Humility Rule Deleted, Deployment Humility Rule Submitted, Deployment Humility Rule Updated, Deployment Humility Setting Updated, Deployment Monitoring Batch Created, Deployment Monitoring Timeliness Setting Changed, Deployment Permanently Erased, Deployment Predictions Data Permanently Erased, Deployment Processing Limit Interval Changed, Deployment Statistics Reset, Deployment prediction export created, Deployment prediction warning setting updated, Deployment training data export created, Detected Data Quality: Disguised Missing Values, Detected Data Quality: Excess Zero, Detected Data Quality: Imputation Leakage, Detected Data Quality: Inconsistent Gaps, Detected Data Quality: Inliers, Detected Data Quality: Lagged Features, Detected Data Quality: Leading or Trailing Series, Detected Data Quality: Missing Documents, Detected Data Quality: Missing Images, Detected Data Quality: Multicategorical Invalid Format, Detected Data Quality: New Series in Recent Data, Detected Data Quality: Outliers, Detected Data Quality: Quantile Target Sparsity, Detected Data Quality: Quantile Target Zero Inflation, Detected Data Quality: Target Leakage, Detected Data Quality: Target had infrequent negative values, Do-Not-Derive is used, Documentation Request, Download All Charts, Download Chart, Download Codegen, Download Codegen From Deployment, Download Deployment Chart, Download Model, Download Model Package, Download Model Package From Deployment, Download Predictions, Empty Catalog Item Created, Empty Cluster Status Created, Entitlement Definition Created, Entitlement Definition Deleted, Entitlement Definition Updated, Entitlement Set Created, Entitlement Set Deleted, Entitlement Set Updated, Entitlement Set Updated Entitlements, Entity Notification Channel Created, Entity Notification Channel Deleted, Entity Notification Channel Updated, Entity Notification Policy Created, Entity Notification Policy Deleted, Entity Notification Policy Updated, Entity notification channel created, Ephemeral Session Started, Ephemeral Session Stopped, Experiment Container Created, Experiment Container Dataset Registered, Experiment Container Dataset Unregistered, Experiment Container Deleted, Experiment Container Entity Linked, Experiment Container Entity Migrated, Experiment Container Entity Moved, Experiment Container Entity Unlinked, Experiment Container Reference To Catalog Dataset Removed, Experiment Container Reference To Catalog Dataset Version Removed, Experiment Container Updated, External Predictions Configured, External Registered Model Created, External Registered Model Version Added, FEAR Predict Job Started, FaaS Function Created, FaaS Function Deleted, FaaS Function Perma Deleted, FaaS Function Updated, Failed Decision Flow Test, Feature Discovery Relationship Quality Assessment Inputs Metrics, Feature Discovery Relationship Quality Assessment Warnings Metrics, Feature Drift Settings Changed, Feature Over Geo Computed, Finish Autopilot, First Login After DR Account Migration, GenAI Chat Created, GenAI Chat Deleted, GenAI Chat Prompt Created, GenAI Chat Prompt Deleted, GenAI Chat Prompt Updated, GenAI Chat Updated, GenAI Comparison Chat Created, GenAI Comparison Chat Deleted, GenAI Comparison Chat Updated, GenAI Comparison Prompt Created, GenAI Comparison Prompt Deleted, GenAI Comparison Prompt Updated, GenAI Cost Metric Configuration Created, GenAI Cost Metric Configuration Deleted, GenAI Cost Metric Configuration Updated, GenAI Evaluation Dataset Configuration Created, GenAI Evaluation Dataset Configuration Deleted, GenAI Evaluation Dataset Configuration Updated, GenAI Insights Upserted, GenAI LLM Blueprint Created, GenAI LLM Blueprint Created from Chat Prompt, GenAI LLM Blueprint Created from LLM Blueprint, GenAI LLM Blueprint Deleted, GenAI LLM Blueprint Sent to Model Workshop, GenAI LLM Blueprint Updated, GenAI LLM Test Configuration Created, GenAI LLM Test Configuration Deleted, GenAI LLM Test Configuration Updated, GenAI LLM Test Result Created, GenAI LLM Test Result Deleted, GenAI LLM Test Result Updated, GenAI LLM Test Suite Created, GenAI LLM Test Suite Deleted, GenAI LLM Test Suite Updated, GenAI Playground Created, GenAI Playground Deleted, GenAI Playground Updated, GenAI Vector Database Created, GenAI Vector Database Deleted, GenAI Vector Database Exported, GenAI Vector Database Updated, General Feedback Submitted, Generic Custom Job Created, Generic Custom Job Manual Run Created, Generic Custom Job Scheduled Run Created, Geometry Over Geo Computed, Geospatial Feature Transform Created, Geospatial Primary Location Column Selected, Global SAML Configuration Added, Global SAML Configuration Deleted, Global SAML Configuration Updated, Group Members Updated, Group created, Group deleted, Group updated, Hosted Custom Metric Custom Job Created, Hosted Custom Metric Deployment Connection Created, Interaction Feature Created, Interaction Feature Deployment Created, Invitation Accepted, Invitation sent, Job definition created, Job definition updated, Login Fail, Login Succeeded Via Global SAML SSO, Login Success Via SAML SSO, Login Successful, Logout, MLOPS Integrations Deployment Launched, MLOPS Integrations Deployment Model Replaced, MLOPS Integrations Deployment Stopped, MLOPS Integrations Prediction Environment Created, MLOPS Integrations Prediction Environment Deleted, MLOps Installer Download Request Received, Managed Image Built, Model Deployment Shared, Model Insights Deleted, Model Insights Job Submitted, Models Starred, Multi-Factor Auth Disable, Multi-Factor Auth Enable, Multilabel Labelwise ROC With Missing TPR Or FPR Requested, Native Registered Model Created, Native Registered Model Version Added, Network Policy Created, Network Policy Deleted, Network Policy Updated, No predictors are left because of Do-Not-Derive, Non Existent Value Tracker Attachment Removed, Notebook Conversion to Codespace Complete, Notebook Conversion to Codespace Initiated, Notebook Created, Notebook Deleted, Notebook Environment Variable Deleted, Notebook Environment Variable Edited, Notebook Environment Variables Created, Notebook Environment Variables Deleted, Notebook Metadata Edited, Notebook Revision Created, Notebook Revision Deleted, Notebook Revision Restored, Notebook Schedule Created, Notebook Schedule Deleted, Notebook Schedule Disabled, Notebook Schedule Enabled, Notebook Schedule Launched, Notebook Session Ports Created, Notebook Session Ports Deleted, Notebook Session Ports Updated, Notebook Session Started, Notebook Session Stopped, Notification Channel Deleted, Notification Channel Template Created, Notification Channel Template Deleted, Notification Channel Template Updated, Notification Custom Job Created, Notification Policy Created, Notification Policy Created From Template, Notification Policy Deleted, Notification Policy Template Created, Notification Policy Template Deleted, Notification Policy Template Updated, Notification Policy Updated, Notification channel created, Notification channel deleted, Notification channel updated, Notification policy created, Notification policy deleted, Notification policy updated, Number of bias mitigation jobs on Autopilot stage., OCR Job Resource Created, OCR Job Resource Started, OIDC Configuration Created, OIDC Configuration Deleted, OIDC Configuration Updated, Online Conformal PI Calculation Requested, Organization Perma-Deletion Completed, Organization Perma-Deletion Failed, Organization Perma-Deletion Marked, Organization Perma-Deletion Requested, Organization Perma-Deletion Started, Organization Perma-Deletion Unmarked, Organization created, Organization deleted, Organization updated, Organizations Perma-Deletion Requested, PPS Docker Image Download Request Received, Period accuracy file validation failed, Period accuracy file validation successful, Period accuracy insight computed, Pipeline downsampling build and run started., Pipeline downsampling run failed to start., Predictions by Forecast Date Settings Updated, Prime Downloaded, Prime Run, Project Access Revoked from the Group, Project Access Revoked from the Organization, Project Access Revoked from the User, Project Autopilot Configured, Project Cloned, Project Created, Project Created from Dataset, Project Created from Project Export File, Project Created from Wrangled Dataset, Project Deleted, Project Description Updated, Project Exported as Project Export File, Project Options Retrieved, Project Options Updated, Project Permadelete Executed, Project Permadelete Failed, Project Permadelete Submitted, Project Renamed, Project Restored, Project Shared, Project Shared with Group, Project Shared with Organization, Project Target Selected, Published Recipe Data Uploaded, Rate limit user group changed, Recipe Access Revoked from Group, Recipe Access Revoked from Organization, Recipe Access Revoked from User, Recipe Created, Recipe Deleted, Recipe Operations Added, Recipe Published, Recipe Shared, Recipe Shared with Group, Recipe Shared with Organization, Recipe metadata updated, Registered Model Shared, Registered Model Updated, Registered Model Version Stage Transitioned, Registered Model Version Updated, Remote Repository Registered, Replaced Model, Request External Insights, Request External Insights - All Datasets, Request Model Insights, Restart Autopilot, Restore Reduced Features, Retraining Custom Job Created, Retraining Policy Cancelled, Retraining Policy Created, Retraining Policy Deleted, Retraining Policy Failed, Retraining Policy Started, Retraining Policy Succeeded, RuleFit Code Downloaded, SHAP Impact Computed, SHAP Matrix Computed, SHAP Predictions Explanations Computed, SHAP Predictions Explanations Preview Computed, SHAP Training Predictions Explanations Computed, Secure Configuration Created, Secure Configuration Deleted, Secure Configuration Shared, Secure Configuration Sharing Removed, Secure Configuration Values Updated, Segment Analysis Enabled, Segment Attributes Specified, Select Model Metric, ServiceUser Created, ServiceUser Deleted, ServiceUser Impersonated Token Requested, ServiceUser Token Requested, ServiceUser Updated, Start Autopilot, Successful Decision Flow Test, Successful Login using OIDC flow, Successful Login using OIDC token exchange, Successful Login via Google Idp, Target is set as Do-Not-Derive, Tenant Created, Tenant Encryption Key generated and managed by DataRobot KMS, Tenant Encryption Key rotated, Tenant Encryption Key scheduled for deletion, Tenant Encryption Key was set for the tenant, Tenant Perma-Deletion Completed, Tenant Perma-Deletion Failed, Tenant Perma-Deletion Requested, Tenant Perma-Deletion Started, Tenant Updated, Text prediction explanations computed, Train Model, Unsupervised Mode Started, Update SAML configuration, Update account, User Agreement Accepted, User Agreement Declined, User Append Columns Download With Predictions, User Blueprint Added To Repository, User Blueprint Created, User Blueprint Deleted, User Blueprint Deleted In Bulk, User Blueprint Description Modified, User Blueprint Name Modified, User Blueprint Retrieved, User Blueprint Tags Modified, User Blueprint Tasks Retrieved, User Blueprint Updated, User Blueprint Validated, User Blueprints Listed, User Provisioned From JWT, Users Perma-Deletion Canceled, Users Perma-Deletion Canceling, Users Perma-Deletion Completed, Users Perma-Deletion Failed, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Canceled, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Canceling, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Completed, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Failed, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Started, Users Perma-Deletion Preview Building Submitted, Users Perma-Deletion Started, Users Perma-Deletion Submitted, Value Tracker Attachment Added, Value Tracker Attachment Removed, Value Tracker Created, Value Tracker Stage Changed, Value Tracker Updated, Workspace Description Modified, Workspace Marked As Deleted In AI Catalog, Workspace Modified, Workspace Name Modified, Workspace Registered In AI Catalog, Workspace Scheduled Batch Run Failed, Workspace Scheduled Batch Run Started, Workspace Scheduled Batch Run Succeeded, Workspace Tags Modified, Workspace scheduled batch processing job created, Workspace scheduled batch processing job deleted, Workspace scheduled batch processing job updated, aiAPI Portal Login]


  "end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "include": [
  "includeIdentifyingFields": true,
  "includeReport": [
  "noCache": true,
  "projectId": "string",
  "start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "userId": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
end string(date-time)¦null false The upper bound of stored events timestamp to include within the artifact.
include [string] false Additional fields to be included.
includeIdentifyingFields boolean true Indicates if identifying information like user names, project names, etc. should be included or not. Defaults to True.
includeReport [string]¦null false The list of reports that should be generated. Will default to None if not specified.
noCache boolean false Switches off caching.
projectId string false Only actions that are connected with the project will be retrieved.
start string(date-time)¦null false The lower bound of stored events timestamp to include within the artifact.
userId string false Only actions performed by this user will be retrieved.


  "data": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
data string(binary) true The requested usage artifact in .zip format.

更新しました November 26, 2024