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Changelogs contain curated, ordered lists of notable changes for each versioned release for DataRobot's REST API client. Reference the changelog below to view changes for DataRobot's newest version, and view previous versions in the table of contents.

DataRobot REST API v2.35 changelog


  • Added new endpoints for OCR Jobs. This is a feature for processing datasets with PDFs. It runs OCR on the PDFs in the dataset and replaces all images in those PDFs with text. The feature is comprised of the following endpoints:

    • POST /api/v2/ocrJobResources/
    • GET /api/v2/ocrJobResources/(jobResourceId)/
    • GET /api/v2/ocrJobResources/(jobResourceId)/errorReport/
    • GET /api/v2/ocrJobResources/(jobResourceId)/jobStatus/
    • POST /api/v2/ocrJobResources/(jobResourceId)/start/


  • 自動増分学習オプションを含むプロジェクト用の新しいオプションパラメーターnumberOfIncrementalLearningIterationsBeforeBestModelSelectionPATCH /api/v2/projects/(projectId)/aim/に追加されました。 It is used in automated incremental learning Autopilot mode.

  • Added endpoints to calculate and retrieve the SHAP distributions data:

  • POST /api/v2/insights/shapDistributions/
  • GET /api/v2/insights/shapDistributions/models/(entityId)/


  • The API endpoint GET /api/v2/projects/(projectId)/models/(modelId)/primeInfo/ is deprecated, as creating Prime models is no longer supported.
  • The query params projectId and applicationId have been deprecated for GET /api/v2/useCases/.


  • The correct expected HTTP response code has been documented for POST /api/v2/notifications/. It should return a 201, but 200 was previously documented.
  • The correct expected HTTP response code has been documented for PATCH /api/v2/ssoConfigurations/(configurationId)/. It should return a 204, but 200 was previously documented.

更新しました January 30, 2025