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After configuring humility rules on the Settings > Humility tab and making predictions with humility monitoring enabled, you can view the humility data collected over time for a deployment from the Monitoring > Humility tab. The X-axis measures the range of time that predictions have been made for the deployment. The Y-axis measures the number of times humility rules triggered in the given period.

Use the following controls to configure the Humility dashboard:

Control Description
1 Model version selector Updates the dashboard displays to reflect the model you selected from the dropdown.
2 Date slider Limits the range of data displayed on the dashboard (i.e., zooms in on a specific time period).
3 Range (UTC) selector Sets the date range displayed for the deployment date slider.
4 Resolution selector Sets the time granularity of the deployment date slider.
5 Refresh Initiates an on-demand update of the dashboard with new data. Otherwise, DataRobot refreshes the dashboard every 15 minutes.
6 Reset Reverts the dashboard controls to the default settings.

Updated April 3, 2024