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Work with Use Cases

Use Cases organize, provide a permission control mechanism, and are a collaborative space where teams can comment and review each other’s work. Use Cases make sure that your ML projects deliver actual business value. Working with Use Cases includes both creating new Use Cases and working with projects migrated from DataRobot Classic.


To create a new Use Case:

  1. From the Workbench directory, click Create Use Case in the upper right.

  2. Provide a name for the Use Case and click the check mark to accept. You can change this name at any time by opening the Use Case and clicking on the existing name.

  3. Click Add new:

    From here you can begin adding assets or create a new Use Case.


To work with an existing Use Case:

  1. From the Workbench directory, click on any tile or table entry. Both methods resolve to the same location—inside the selected Use Case.

  2. Review the assets associated with the Use Case:

      Element Description
    1 Asset summary Provides a total count for each asset type associated with the Use Case.
    2 Display controls Sets the "last modified" criteria for the list-format asset display.
    3 Asset metadata Reports the asset type, last modification date, and Use Case member who made the modification.
    4 Asset control Provides options for working with the asset. Options are dependent on the asset type:
    • Experiment: Delete from Use Case.
    • Dataset: Explore (preview data), wrangle (if applicable), start modeling (create a new experiment), remove from Use Case (remains in Data Registry).
  3. Click Add new to begin adding assets or create a new Use Case.


Managing a Use Case includes:

  Element Description
1 Rename the Use Case Click on the existing title and enter the new name. The change is immediately reflected on the page and in the Use case directory. It also changed for all members.
2 List only specific assets Click on the asset tab to filter the contents of the table below. Table content is dependent on asset type.
3 Manage team members View the teammates with access, and their roles. Click Manage members to share a Use Case with other team members.
4 Manage assets Provides options for working with the asset. Options are dependent on the asset type:
  • Experiment: Delete from Use Case.
  • Dataset: Explore (preview data), wrangle (if applicable), start modeling (create a new experiment), remove from Use Case (remains in Data Registry).


With Workbench, when you share a Use Case, the recipient gets access to all the associated assets.

To share a Use Case:

  1. From the Use Case info pane on the right, click Manage members.

  2. A sharing modal opens. Enter one or more team member email address(es), click the name on the associated dropdown, and set the desired permissions level (role).

  3. Click Share.

Manage members

As a Use Case Owner, you can edit a team member's role (permissions level) or remove them from the Use Case:

  1. From the Use Case info pane on the right, click Manage members.

  2. In the Share dialog box, in the Role column, you can:

    • Update a user's permissions level:

    • Revoke a user's permissions entirely by removing them from the Use Case:

  3. Click Close to return to the Use Case.

Next steps

From here, you can:

Updated May 17, 2024