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Notification templates

To configure deployment notifications through the creation of notification policies, you can create and combine notification channels and templates. The notification template determines which events trigger a notification, and the channel determines which users are notified. When you create a notification policy for a deployment, you can use a policy template without changes or as the basis of a new policy with modifications. You can also create an entirely new notification policy.

Create a new policy template

On the Notifications templates page, on the Policy templates or Channel templates tab, click Add new > Policy template.

In the Add new policy template panel, edit the template name under Policy template summary:

On the Select trigger tab, select an Event group or a Single event, then click Next:

On the Select channel tab, select a notification channel, then click Save template. The new policy appears on the Policy templates tab.

Create a new channel template

On the Notifications templates page, on the Policy templates or Channel templates tab, click Add new > Channel template.

In the Add a new channel panel, select one of the following Channel types, enter a Channel name, and configure the required settings:

Channel type Fields
  • Payload URL: Enter the URL that should receive notification payloads.
  • Content type: Select application/json (when the payload URL requires JSON) or application/x-www-form-urlencoded (when the payload URL requires URL encoded data).
  • Secret token: (Optional) If required by the webhook, enter the secret token.
  • Enable SSL verification: By default, DataRobot verifies SSL certificates when delivering payloads and doesn't recommend disabling this option.
  • Show advanced options: Define Custom headers for the HTTP request.
  • Test connection: This type of connection must pass testing before it can be saved
  • Email address: Enter the email address that should receive notifications.
  • Slack Incoming Webhook URL: Enter an incoming webhook URL, generated through your Slack workspace. For more information, see the Slack documentation.
  • Test connection: This type of connection must pass testing before it can be saved
Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook URL: Enter an incoming webhook URL, generated through your Microsoft Teams channel. For more information, see the Microsoft Teams documentation.
  • Test connection: This type of connection must pass testing before it can be saved.
User Enter one or more existing DataRobot usernames to add those users to the channel. To remove a user, in the Username list, click the remove icon .
Group Enter one or more existing DataRobot group names to add those groups to the channel. To remove a group, in the Group name list, click the remove icon .
Custom job If you've configured a custom job for notifications, select the custom job from the list.

Click Create channel. The new channel appears on the Channel templates tab.

Manage templates and channels

On the Notifications templates page, on the Policy templates or Channel templates tab, next to a template or a policy, click the actions menu :

Channel actions

Channel templates can only be deleted, not edited or shared.

Option Action
Delete To delete a template or channel, in the Delete Notification Template/Channel, click Delete.
Edit To edit a template, in the Edit template panel, configure the name, trigger, channel of the policy template.
Share To share a template, in the Share dialog box, enter a user into the Share with field, select a Role, and click Share. You can also modify a user's Role or click the remove icon to revoke their template permissions.

Updated January 30, 2025