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Google BigQuery

Supported authentication



The following is required before connecting to Google BigQuery in DataRobot:

Set up a connection in DataRobot

When connecting with OAuth parameters, you must create a new data connection.

To set up a data connection using OAuth:

  1. Follow the instructions for creating a data connection—making sure the minimum required parameters are filled in—and testing the connection.

  2. After clicking Test Connection, a window appears. Click Sign in using Google.

  3. Select the account you want to use.

  4. To provide consent to the database client, click Allow.

If the connection is successful, the following message appears in DataRobot:

Required parameters

The table below lists the minimum required fields to establish a connection with Google BigQuery:

Required field Description Documentation
Projectid A globally unique identifier for your project. Google Cloud documentation

Learn about additional configuration options for Google BigQuery in the Google Cloud documentation.

Google Cloud service account


The following is required before connecting to Google BigQuery in DataRobot:

  • A Google Cloud service account
  • Data stored in Google BigQuery

Set up a connection in DataRobot

When connecting with a service account, you must create a new data connection.

To set up a data connection using service account:

  1. Follow the instructions for creating a data connection and testing the connection.

  2. Under Credential type, select Google Cloud Service Account and fill in the required parameters for manual configuration.

  3. Click Save and sign in.

Required parameters

The table below lists the minimum required fields to establish a connection with Google BigQuery:

Required field Description Notes
Projectid A globally unique identifier for your project. See the Google Cloud documentation.
Service Account Key The public/private RSA key pair associated with each service account that can be provided as a JSON string or loaded from a file. See the Google Cloud documentation, List and get service account keys.
Display name A unique identifier for your credentials DataRobot. You can access and manage these credentials under this display name.

Feature considerations

  • You cannot use multiple Google accounts to authenticate Google BigQuery in DataRobot. Once a Google user is authenticated via OAuth, that Google account is used for all the BigQuery data connections for that DataRobot user.
  • If your Google account has a large number of projects, it may take a long time to list schemas, even if the project is filtered with the projectID parameter.
  • External tables created from Google Drive are not supported.


Problem Solution Instructions
When attempting to execute an operation in DataRobot, the firewall requests that you clear the IP address each time. Add all allowed IPs for DataRobot. See Allowed source IP addresses. If you've already added the allowed IPs, check the existing IPs for completeness.
Issue authenticating Google BigQuery

Need to reset the Google user assigned to authentication
Locate and remove the bigquery-oauth credential.
  1. In DataRobot, navigate to the Credentials Management tab.
  2. Select the bigquery-oauth credential and click Delete.
  3. Select User Settings > Data Connections.
  4. Reauthenticate your Google BigQuery data connection.
Issue authenticating Google BigQuery Remove authentication consent in Google Cloud console.
  1. Navigate to your Google Account permissions.
  2. Select DataRobot under third-party applications.
  3. Click Remove Access.

Updated March 5, 2025