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Define custom model runtime parameters

Add runtime parameters to a custom model through the model metadata, making your custom model code easier to reuse. To define runtime parameters, you can add the following runtimeParameterDefinitions in model-metadata.yaml:

Key Description
fieldName Define the name of the runtime parameter.
type Define the data type the runtime parameter contains: string, boolean, numeric credential.
defaultValue (Optional) Set the default string value for the runtime parameter (the credential type doesn't support default values).
minValue (Optional) For numeric runtime parameters, set the minimum numeric value allowed in the runtime parameter.
maxValue (Optional) For numeric runtime parameters, set the maximum numeric value allowed in the runtime parameter.
credentialType (Optional) For credential runtime parameters, set the type of credentials the parameter should contain.
allowEmpty (Optional) Set the empty field policy for the runtime parameter:
  • True: (Default) Allows an empty runtime parameter.
  • False: Enforces providing a value for the runtime parameter before deployment.
description (Optional) A description of the purpose or contents of the runtime parameter.


If you define a runtime parameter without specifying a defaultValue, the default value is None.

Example: model-metadata.yaml
name: runtime-parameter-example
type: inference
targetType: regression

- fieldName: my_first_runtime_parameter
  type: string
  description: My first runtime parameter.

- fieldName: runtime_parameter_with_default_value
  type: string
  defaultValue: Default
  description: A string-type runtime parameter with a default value.

- fieldName: runtime_parameter_boolean
  type: boolean
  defaultValue: true
  description: A boolean-type runtime parameter with a default value of true.

- fieldname: runtime_parameter_numeric
  type: numeric
  defaultValue: 0
  minValue: -100
  maxValue: 100
  description: A boolean-type runtime parameter with a default value of 0, a minimum value of -100, and a maximum value of 100.

- fieldName: runtime_parameter_for_credentials
  type: credential
  credentialType: basic
  allowEmpty: false
  description: A runtime parameter containing a dictionary of credentials; credentials must be provided before registering the custom model.

Provide credentials through runtime parameters

The credential runtime parameter type supports any credentialType value available in the DataRobot REST API. The credential information included depends on the credentialType, as shown in the examples below:


For more information on the supported credential types, see the API reference documentation for credentials.

Credential Type Example
  credentialType: basic
  description: string
  name: string
  password: string
  user: string
  credentialType: azure
  description: string
  name: string
  azureConnectionString: string
  credentialType: gcp
  description: string
  name: string
  gcpKey: string
  credentialType: s3
  description: string
  name: string
  awsAccessKeyId: string
  awsSecretAccessKey: string
  awsSessionToken: string
  credentialType: api_token
  apiToken: string
  name: string

Provide override values during local development

For local development with DRUM, you can specify a .yaml file containing the values of the runtime parameters. The values defined here override the defaultValue set in model-metadata.yaml:

Example: .runtime-parameters.yaml
my_first_runtime_parameter: Hello, world.
runtime_parameter_with_default_value: Override the default value.
  credentialType: basic
  name: credentials
  password: password1
  user: user1

When using DRUM, the new --runtime-params-file option specifies the file containing the runtime parameter values:

Example: --runtime-params-file
drum score --runtime-params-file .runtime-parameters.yaml --code-dir model_templates/python3_sklearn --target-type regression --input tests/testdata/juniors_3_year_stats_regression.csv

Import and use runtime parameters in custom code

To import and access runtime parameters, you can import the RuntimeParameters module in your code in

from datarobot_drum import RuntimeParameters

def mask(value, visible=3):
    return value[:visible] + ("*" * len(value[visible:]))

def transform(data, model):
    print("Loading the following Runtime Parameters:")
    parameter1 = RuntimeParameters.get("my_first_runtime_parameter")
    parameter2 = RuntimeParameters.get("runtime_parameter_with_default_value")
    print(f"\tParameter 1: {parameter1}")
    print(f"\tParameter 2: {parameter2}")

    credentials = RuntimeParameters.get("runtime_parameter_for_credentials")
    if credentials is not None:
        credential_type = credentials.pop("credentialType")
            f"\tCredentials (type={credential_type}): "
            + str({k: mask(v) for k, v in credentials.items()})
        print("No credential data set")
    return data

Updated April 5, 2024