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Download Scoring Code from a deployment

Availability information

The behavior of deployments from which you download Scoring Code depends on the MLOps configuration for your organization.

You can download Scoring Code for models as pre-compiled JAR files (with all dependencies included) to be used outside of the DataRobot platform. This topic describes how to download Scoring Code from a deployment. Alternatively, you can download it from the Leaderboard.

Deployment download

For Scoring Code-enabled models deployed to an external prediction server, you can download Scoring Code from a deployment's Actions menu in the Deployments inventory or from a deployment's Predictions > Portable Predictions tab. For Scoring Code-enabled models deployed to a DataRobot prediction environment, you can only download Scoring Code from the Deployments inventory.

  1. Navigate to the Deployments inventory, and then take either of the following steps:

    • Open a deployment, then navigate to the Predictions > Portable Predictions tab and click Scoring Code.


      The Portable Predictions tab is only available for models deployed to an external environment. If you deployed your model to a DataRobot environment, use the Deployments inventory Scoring Code download method.

    • Open the deployment's Actions menu and click Get scoring code.

      The Download Scoring Code dialog opens.

  2. Complete the fields described below in the Portable Predictions tab (or the Download Scoring Code dialog).

    Element Description
    1 Scoring Code Provides a Java package containing your DataRobot model. Under Portable Prediction Method, select Scoring Code. You can alternatively select Portable Prediction Server to set up a REST API-based prediction server.
    2 Coding language Select the location from which you want to call the Scoring Code: Python API, Java API, or the command line interface (CLI). Selecting a location updates the example snippet displayed below to the corresponding language.
    3 Include Monitoring Agent Downloads the MLOps Agent with your Scoring Code.
    4 Include Prediction Explanations / Include Prediction Intervals (for time series) Depending on the model type, enable either of the following prediction options:
    • Includes code to calculate Prediction Explanations with your Scoring Code. This allows you to get Prediction Explanations from your Scoring Code by adding the command line option: --with-explanations. See Scoring at the command line for more information.
    • For time series deployments, Includes code to calculate Prediction Intervals with your Scoring Code. This allows you to get Prediction Intervals (from 1 to 99) from your Scoring Code by adding the command line option: --interval_length=<integer value from 1 to 99>. See Scoring at the command line for more information.
    5 Show secrets Displays any secrets hidden by * in the code snippet. Revealing the secrets in a code snippet can provide a convenient way to retrieve your API key or datarobot-key; however, these secrets are hidden by default for security reasons, so ensure that you handle them carefully.
    6 Prepare and download / Prepare and download as source code Depending on the options selected above, select either of the following download methods:
    • Prepare and download: Downloads the Scoring Code as a Java package. The package contains compiled Java executables, which include all dependencies and can be used to make predictions.
    • Prepare and download as source code: Downloads Java source code files. These are a non-obfuscated version of the model; they cannot be used to score the model since they are not compiled and dependency packages are not included. Use the source files to explore the model’s decision-making process. This option is only available if you don't have the monitoring agent and prediction explanations enabled.
    7 Example Provides a code example that calls the Scoring Code using the selected coding language.
    8 Copy to clipboard Copies the Scoring Code example to your clipboard so that you can paste it in your IDE or on the command line.


    Access the DataRobot Prediction Library to make predictions using various prediction methods supported by DataRobot via a Python API. The library provides a common interface for making predictions, making it easy to swap out any underlying implementation. Note that the library requires a Scoring Code JAR file.

  3. Once the settings are configured, click Prepare and download to download a Java package or Prepare and download as source code to download source code files.


    For users on pricing plans from before March 2020, downloading Scoring Code makes the deployment permanent, meaning that it cannot be deleted. A warning message prompts you to accept this condition. Use the toggle to indicate your understanding, then click Prepare and download to download a Java package or Prepare and download as source code to download source code files.

  4. When the Scoring Code download completes, use the snippet provided on the tab to call the Scoring Code.

    For implementation examples, reference the MLOps agent tarball documentation, which you can download from the Developer Tools page. You can also use the monitoring snippet to integrate with the MLOps Agent.

Updated July 19, 2024