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Assemble structured custom models

DataRobot provides built-in support for a variety of libraries to create models that use conventional target types. If your model is based on one of these libraries, DataRobot expects your model artifact to have a matching file extension:

Library File Extension Example
Scikit-learn *.pkl sklean-regressor.pkl
Xgboost *.pkl xgboost-regressor.pkl
PyTorch *.pth torch-regressor.pth
tf.keras (tensorflow>=2.2.1) *.h5 keras-regressor.h5
ONNX *.onnx onnx-regressor.onnx
pmml *.pmml pmml-regressor.pmml
Library File Extension Example
Caret *.rds brnn-regressor.rds
Library File Extension Example
datarobot-prediction *.jar dr-regressor.jar
h2o-genmodel *.java (pojo)
h2o-genmodel *.zip (mojo)
h2o-genmodel-ext-xgboost *.java
h2o-genmodel-ext-xgboost *.zip
h2o-ext-mojo-pipeline *.mojo ...


  • DRUM supports models with DataRobot-generated Scoring Code and models that implement either the IClassificationPredictor or IRegressionPredictor interface from the DataRobot-prediction library. The model artifact must have a .jar extension.

  • You can define the DRUM_JAVA_XMX environment variable to set JVM maximum heap memory size (-Xmx java parameter): DRUM_JAVA_XMX=512m.

  • If you export an H2O model as POJO, you cannot rename the file; however, this limitation doesn't apply to models exported as MOJO—they may be named in any fashion.

  • The h2o-ext-mojo-pipeline requires an h2o driverless AI license.

  • Support for DAI Mojo Pipeline has not been incorporated into tests for the build of datarobot-drum.

If your model doesn't use one of the following libraries, you must create an unstructured custom model.

Compare the characteristics and capabilities of the two types of custom models below:

Model type Characteristics Capabilities
  • Uses a target type known to DataRobot (e.g., regression, binary classification, multiclass, and anomaly detection).
  • Required to conform to a request/response schema.
  • Accepts structured input and output data.
  • Full deployment capabilities.
  • Accepts training data after deployment.
  • Uses a custom target type, unknown to DataRobot.
  • Not required to conform to a request/response schema.
  • Accepts unstructured input and output data.
  • Limited deployment capabilities. Doesn't support data drift and accuracy statistics, challenger models, or humility rules.
  • Doesn't accept training data after deployment.

Structured custom model requirements

If your custom model uses one of the supported libraries, make sure it meets the following requirements:

  • Data sent to a model must be usable for predictions without additional pre-processing.
  • Regression models must return a single floating point per row of prediction data.
  • Binary classification models must return one floating point value <= 1.0 or two floating point values that sum to 1.0 per row of prediction data.
    • Single-value output is assumed to be the positive class probability.
    • For multi-value, it is assumed that the first value is the negative class probability and the second is the positive class probability.
  • There must be a single pkl/pth/h5 file present.

Data format

When working with structured models DataRobot supports data as files of csv, sparse, or arrow format. DataRobot doesn't sanitize missing or abnormal (containing parentheses, slashes, symbols, etc. ) column names.

Structured custom model hooks

To define a custom model using DataRobot’s framework, your artifact file should contain hooks (or functions) to define how a model is trained and how it scores new data. DataRobot automatically calls each hook and passes the parameters based on the project and blueprint configuration. However, you have full flexibility to define the logic that runs inside each hook. If necessary, you can include these hooks alongside your model artifacts in your model folder in a file called for Python models or custom.R for R models.


Training and inference hooks can be defined in the same file.

The following sections describe each hook, with examples.

Type annotations in hook signatures

The following hook signatures are written with Python 3 type annotations. The Python types match the following R types:

Python type R type Description
DataFrame data.frame A numpy DataFrame or R data.frame.
None NULL Nothing
str character String
Any An R object The deserialized model.
*args, **kwargs ... These are keyword arguments, not types; they serve as placeholders for additional parameters.


The init hook is executed only once at the beginning of the run to allow the model to load libraries and additional files for use in other hooks.

init(**kwargs) -> None

init() input

Input parameter Description
**kwargs Additional keyword arguments. code_dir is the path where the model code is stored.

init() example

def init(code_dir):
    global g_code_dir
    g_code_dir = code_dir
init <- function(...) {

init() output

The init() hook does not return anything.


The load_model() hook is executed only once at the beginning of the run to load one or more trained objects from multiple artifacts. It is only required when a trained object is stored in an artifact that uses an unsupported format or when multiple artifacts are used. The load_model() hook is not required when there is a single artifact in one of the supported formats:

  • Python: .pkl, .pth, .h5, .joblib
  • Java: .mojo
  • R: .rds
load_model(code_dir: str) -> Any

load_model() input

Input parameter Description
code_dir Additional keyword arguments. code_dir is the path where the model code is stored.

load_model() example

def load_model(code_dir):
    model_path = "model.pkl"
    model = joblib.load(os.path.join(code_dir, model_path))
load_model <- function(input_dir) {
    readRDS(file.path(input_dir, "model_name.rds"))

load_model() output

The load_model() hook returns a trained object (of any type).


The read_input_data hook customizes how the model reads data; for example, with encoding and missing value handling.

read_input_data(input_binary_data: bytes) -> Any

read_input_data() input

Input parameter Description
input_binary_data Data passed through the --input parameter in drum score mode, or a payload submitted to the drum server /predict endpoint.

read_input_data() example

def read_input_data(input_binary_data):
    global prediction_value
    prediction_value += 1
    return pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(input_binary_data))
read_input_data <- function(input_binary_data) {
    input_text_data <- stri_conv(input_binary_data, "utf8")
    read.csv(text=gsub("\r","", input_text_data, fixed=TRUE))

read_input_data() output

The read_input_data() hook must return a pandas DataFrame or R data.frame; otherwise, you must write your own score method.


The transform() hook defines the output of a custom transform and returns transformed data. Do not use this hook for estimator models. This hook can be used in both transformer and estimator tasks:

  • For transformers, this hook applies transformations to the data provided and passes it to downstream tasks.

  • For estimators, this hook applies transformations to the prediction data before making predictions.

transform(data: DataFrame, model: Any) -> DataFrame

transform() input

Input parameter Description
data A pandas DataFrame (Python) or R data.frame containing the data that the custom model should transform. Missing values are indicated with NaN in Python and NA in R, unless otherwise overridden by the read_input_data hook.
model A trained object DataRobot loads from the artifact (typically, a trained transformer) or loaded through the load_model hook.

transform() example

def transform(data, model):
    data = data.fillna(0)
    return data
transform <- function(data, model) {
    data[] <- 0

transform() output

The transform() hook returns a pandas DataFrame or R data.frame with transformed data.


The score() hook defines the output of a custom estimator and returns predictions on input data. Do not use this hook for transform models.

score(data: DataFrame, model: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> DataFrame

score() input

Input parameter Description
data A pandas DataFrame (Python) or R data.frame containing the data the custom model will score. If the transform hook is used, data will be the transformed data.
model A trained object loaded from the artifact by DataRobot or loaded through the load_model hook.
**kwargs Additional keyword arguments. For a binary classification model, it contains the positive and negative class labels as the following keys:
  • positive_class_label
  • negative_class_label

score() examples

def score(data: pd.DataFrame, model: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    predictions = model.predict(data)
    predictions_df = pd.DataFrame(predictions, columns=[kwargs["positive_class_label"]])
    predictions_df[kwargs["negative_class_label"]] = (
        1 - predictions_df[kwargs["positive_class_label"]]

    return predictions_df
score <- function(data, model, ...){
    scores <- predict(model, newdata = data, type = "prob")
    names(scores) <- c('0', '1')

score() output

The score() hook should return a pandas DataFrame (or R data.frame or tibble) of the following format:

  • For regression or anomaly detection projects, the output must have a numeric column named Predictions.

  • For binary or multiclass projects, the output must have one column per class label, with class names used as column names. Each cell must contain the floating-point class probability of the respective class and these rows must sum up to 1.0.

Additional output columns

Availability information

Additional output in prediction responses for custom models is off by default. Contact your DataRobot representative or administrator for information on enabling this feature.

Feature flag: Enable Additional Custom Model Output in Prediction Responses

The score() hook can return any number of extra columns, containing data of types string, int, float, bool, or datetime. When additional columns are returned through the score() method, the prediction response is as follows:

  • For a tabular response (CSV), the additional columns are returned as part of the response table or dataframe.
  • For a JSON response, the extraModelOutput key is returned alongside each row. This key is a dictionary containing the values of each additional column in the row.
Examples: Return extra columns

The following score hooks for various target types return extra columns (containing random data for illustrative purposes) alongside the prediction data:

def score(data, model, **kwargs):
    predictions = []
    int_extra_data = []
    str_extra_data = []

    for index in range(data.shape[0]):
        predictions.append(round(random(), 2))


    return pd.DataFrame(
            "Predictions": predictions,
            "Extra Integer": int_extra_data,
            "Extra String": str_extra_data,
def score(data: pd.DataFrame, model: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    positive_label = kwargs["positive_probabilities"]
    negative_label = kwargs["negative_probabilities"]

    positive_probabilities = []
    negative_probabilities = []
    int_extra_data = []
    str_extra_data = []
    for index in range(data.shape[0]):
        probability = round(random(), 2)

        negative_probabilities.append(1 - probability)


    return pd.DataFrame(
            positive_label: positive_probabilities,
            negative_label: negative_probabilities,
            "Extra Integer": int_extra_data,
            "Extra String": str_extra_data,
Generative AI
def score(data: pd.DataFrame, model, **kwargs):
    prompt_column_name = RuntimeParameters.get('PROMPT_COLUMN_NAME')
    target_column_name = os.environ['TARGET_NAME']

    target_data = []
    int_extra_data = []
    str_extra_data = []
    query_rows = data[prompt_column_name].tolist()
    for index, query in enumerate(query_rows):
        target_data.append(f'Answer {index} for query "{query}"')

    return pd.DataFrame(
            target_column_name: target_data,
            "Extra Integer": int_extra_data,
            "Extra String": str_extra_data,


The chat() hook allows custom models to implement the OpenAI chat completion API to provide access to chat history and streaming response.

Custom model testing requirements

The chat() hook can be defined alongside any structured custom model hook. For a custom model to pass model workshop testing, the score() hook must be defined alongside the chat() hook to provide access to the /predictions/ endpoint. When the chat() hook is called, the read_input_data(), transform(), and post_process() hooks are not called as they were for the score() hook.

chat(completion_create_params: CompletionCreateParams, model: Any) -> ChatCompletion | Iterator[ChatCompletionChunk]

chat() input

Input parameter Description
completion_create_params An object containing all the parameters required to create the chat completion. For more information, review the following types from the OpenAI Python API library: CompletionCreateParams, ChatCompletion, and ChatCompletionChunk.
model The deserialized model loaded by DRUM or by load_model, if supplied.

chat() example

def chat(completion_create_params, model):
    openai_client = model

chat() output

The chat() hook returns a ChatCompletion object if streaming is disabled and Iterator[ChatCompletionChunk] if streaming is enabled.

Citations output

The chat() hook returns four keys related to citations and accessible to custom models:

Citation keys Description
content The contents of the custom model citations field.
metadata The LangChain Document's metadata, containing the following information:
  • source: The source of the citation (e.g., a filename in the original dataset).
  • page: The source page number where the citation was found.
link The metadata key's page and source combined to provide a full citation.
vector The embedding vector of the citation. This key is used by the custom model as part of the LLM context for monitoring on the Data exploration and Custom metrics tabs.

For example:

completion.citations = [
        "content": "Document 1",
        "link": "path1.txt:0",
        "vector": [186, 125, 222, 64, 98, 248, 48, 128, 217],
        "metadata": {"page": 0, "source": "path1.txt"},


The post_process hook formats the prediction data returned by DataRobot or the score hook when it doesn't match the output format expectations.

post_process(predictions: DataFrame, model: Any) -> DataFrame

post_process() input

Input parameter Description
predictions A pandas DataFrame (Python) or R data.frame containing the scored data produced by DataRobot or the score hook.
model A trained object loaded from the artifact by DataRobot or loaded through the load_model hook.

post_process() example

def post_process(predictions, model):
    return predictions + 1
post_process <- function(predictions, model) {
    names(predictions) <- c('0', '1')

post_process() output

The post_process hook returns a pandas DataFrame (or R data.frame or tibble) of the following format:

  • For regression or anomaly detection projects, the output must have a single numeric column named Predictions.

  • For binary or multiclass projects, the output must have one column per class, with class names used as column names. Each cell must contain the probability of the respective class, and each row must sum up to 1.0.

Updated January 30, 2025