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Anomaly Over Time

The Anomaly Over Time visualization helps to understand when anomalies occur across the timeline of your data. It functions similarly to the non-anomaly Accuracy Over Time chart. See the DataRobot Classic description for details of the configurable elements (backtest, forecast distance, etc.) and controlling the display.


Because multiseries projects can have up to 1 million series and up to 1000 forecast distances, calculating accuracy charts for all series data can be extremely compute-intensive and often unnecessary. To avoid this, DataRobot provides alternative calculation options.

This chart, in addition to handles that control the preview (1), provides an additional handle to control the anomaly threshold (2). Drag the handle up and down to set the threshold that defines whether plot values should be considered as anomalies. Points above the threshold are indicated in red, both in the upper chart and in the preview (3).

Updated August 28, 2024